Global Actions Spotlight: Our Colombia Team

John Sullivan was commissioned by ICAP in 2010 to be the Mentor-Trainer for our Colombia initiatives. His expertise comes from many years in the field of traffic safety and DWI initiatives. John works closely with Mario to develop the Global Actions projects in Colombia.
Mario Lleras joined Global Actions in March 2011 as Country Coordinator for Colombia. Mario is working in partnership with Colombia’s Road Prevention Fund, Fondo de Prevención Vial (FPV), to advance the PACTOS initiatives of the Ministry of Social Protection and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Mario coordinates all Global Actions work in Colombia, mainly focused on Drink Driving. This includes collaboration with Zonas Seguras (Safe Zones), a joint effort by municipal authorities, local police, the private sector, and the community to implement safety measures in Colombia’s party centers.
Alberto Bouroncle was appointed by ICAP to help structure PACTOS evaluation tools. A Senior Research Associate at LTG Associates, his experience includes 19 years of International Development work, with emphasis in Public Health and Education.
Claudia Puentes, Director of Communications, Pedagogy, and Institutional Relations for Fondo de Prevención Vial (FPV), is another important contact in Colombia. FPV is our key local implementing partner for the initiative, and Claudia helps manage the projects that ICAP and FPV are collaborating on. Claudia also helps coordinate our efforts with other stakeholders.
What’s Happening Next:
· Vietnam: Drink Driving launch event on August 6 in Da Nang. Education Enforcement workshop August 16-18 in Da Nang.
· Colombia: PACTOS Seminar in Bogotá in August (date to be announced.)
· Trinidad: A training workshop on best practices in Self-Regulation will be hosted by the Trinidad and Tobago Beverage Alcohol Alliance (TTBAA) and held August 18 in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.
· Mexico: Drink Drive launch event and training workshop in Guadalajara, early September date to be announced.
· China: Training workshops for local staff September 16-18 in Xi’an and September 20-22 in Nanjing. Training workshops for traffic police in Xi’an and Nanjing will be in September.