Drinkwise: A front to provide Australian alcohol industry an air of social responsibility
A new study has revealed how the alcohol industry is using its Australian Drinkwise organization to create an impression of social responsibility while promoting measures for which there is little evidence of impact and are unlikely to hurt profits.
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New Russian law labels beer as alcohol
President Dmitry Medvedev of the Russian Federation has signed off on a bill that officially labels beer as an alcoholic product instead of a foodstuff. This redefined status of beer will result in the product being subjected to the same regulations as spirits, which means restricting the locations where beer can be sold and banning all beer advertising.
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New study adds proof of alcohol marketing leading youngsters to drink
A new study conducted by the Australian University of Wollongong comes to the same conclusion as similar studies conducted in other countries: exposure to alcohol advertisements among adolescents is strongly associated with drinking patterns. In the article, the authors point to the current high levels of alcohol consumption among Australian youth and underline the need to take action against the high levels of young people’s exposure to alcohol advertising
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Study shows that alcohol marketing affects children’s drinking preferences
The study published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine shows a link between underage drinkers’ brand preferences and marketing expenditures. This points to a marketing influence on young people’s choice of alcoholic beverages. Also, higher rates of binge drinking (defined as 5 or more drinks at one sitting) among adolescents who had a favorite brand suggests that alcohol advertising campaigns may influence the chance that alcohol will be consumed at levels that pose a health risk.
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South African government dedicated to further restrictions on alcohol marketing
The South African government is proceeding with plans to impose a ban on alcohol marketing. Critics point at the financial consequences of the ban to make the government rethink their strategy
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Heineken's new online marketing deal to reach 103 million minors monthly
Heineken and Google have started a global partnership which will see the international beer producer increase its YouTube activity. The deal also sets out to use mobile internet as primary marketing channel in emerging markets. This new deal will very likely mean that at least 103 million minors around the world will be exposed to the harmful effects of alcohol marketing on a monthly basis.
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