The Baltic Course (Latvia) - 40 cigarettes and liter of alcohol allowed to be carried into Latvia without paying taxes only once per week
In 2012, individuals will be able to transport 40 cigarettes and a liter of alcohol across Latvia's borders without paying taxes only once a week, according to amendments to the Law on Excise Tax that Saeima passed in the second and final reading today.
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Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News (Sweden) - Increased Alcoholism Rates Seen After Gastric Bypass Surgery
European researchers have found that gastric bypass patients have an increased risk for postoperative alcohol dependence, according to data presented at the 2011 Digestive Disease Week (DDW) meeting (abstract 266). Based on the findings of a retrospective cohort analysis of more than 12,000 bariatric surgery patients, the investigators are calling for clinicians to examine gastric bypass patients for alcohol-related diagnoses.
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Eurocare (Lithuania) - The President of the Republic of Lithuania and the Lithuanian Parliament do not want a ban of alcohol advertisement
Two years ago, Lithuania showed willingness to protect health of its citizens by restricting alcohol marketing. The Lithuanian Health Program and Alcohol Control Law suggested an alcohol marketing ban from 1 January 2012. However, that situation has now changed, after a regrettable Parliament decision has stopped the process.
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BBC News (UK) - Alcohol 'over provided' in some parts of Highlands
Alcohol is too widely available and harming health in some parts of the Highlands, the area's health board has warned.
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Offlicence News (UK) - Alcohol pricing scheme is illegal, minister says
The government remains convinced that minimum unit pricing for alcohol is illegal under European law, despite the Scottish government’s determination to press ahead with the policy.
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New York Daily News - Loud music makes alcohol taste sweeter: study
At a bar where the music is so loud you can’t hear yourself think? Be mindful of the number of drinks you tip back, as new research suggests that loud environments can make alcohol taste sweeter and impair judgement.
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PsychCentral.com - Texting for Alcohol Intervention in High-Risk Young Adults
A new study explores text messaging as a method to interact with young adults to reduce alcohol consumption and decrease binge episodes.
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HealthCanal.com - New strain of lab mice mimics human alcohol consumption patterns
A line of laboratory mice developed by a researcher from the School of Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis drinks more alcohol than other animal models and consumes it in a fashion similar to humans: choosing alcohol over other options and binge drinking.
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The Independent (UK) - Britain's alcohol crisis: Is there a cure for the biggest hangover in Europe?
Minimum pricing on alcohol will not beat Britain's burgeoning drink problem, the Health Secretary insists, defying medical experts.
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Stuff.co.nz (New Zealand) - Alcohol-price finding challenged
Research that claims lifting the price of alcohol will not curb binge drinking has been denounced by a leading alcohol health promotion group.
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AllAfrica.com (Rwanda) - Youth Warned Against Drugs, Alcohol
Abuse of drugs and alcohol are among the main challenges that continue to hinder the development of the youth and could potentially derail the country's economic development, it has emerged.
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Mashable (UK) - British Facebook Users Are Intoxicated in 76% of Their Photos [STUDY]
The average British person is under the influence of alcohol in three-quarters of of his or her tagged Facebook photos, according to a new study.
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Medical Daily - Underage Drinking Boosts Criminal Activity: Researchers
While alcohol has frequently been linked to criminal activity among adults, a new study finds that there is a strong association between childhood drinking and criminal activity.
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Hindustan Times (UK) – Why mums tend to turn to alcohol
More mothers are now getting inclined towards alcohol to cope up with the pressure of becoming Supermums to their kids, a new study has revealed. This lifestyle of mothers is putting their children at risk of depression and anxiety.
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The Atlantic Wire (Egypt) - Egyptian Voters Go to the Polls to Decide the Fate of Alcohol and Bikinis
Egypt's second of three rounds of parliamentary elections began today, and two of the big talking points during this election are booze and beachwear -- at least according to CNN's report.
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Native Times (USA) - Alcohol: The strongest enemy we have ever faced
I have thought long and hard about this dominating thing we have in our lives, the dominating thing that has been used as a weapon, as a means to rob us of not only our lands but also our proud warrior mentality.
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The Press Association (Canada/Scotland) - Minimum booze price 'cuts drinking'
Minimum unit pricing for alcohol has been credited with cutting consumption in part of Canada.
Scottish Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon highlighted the findings of a study into the impact of the policy in British Columbia as evidence that her own pricing plan will tackle Scotland's alcohol problems.
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Irish Times (Ireland) - Drivers warned about alcohol in their system on morning after night out
ANYONE PLANNING to drive the morning after a night out should use an alternative means of travel if they are in any doubt about whether they still have alcohol in their system, Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar said yesterday.
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New Zealand Herald (Australia) - New warning labels for pregnant women on NZ liquor products
Warning labels aimed at pregnant women will be added to all alcohol products in New Zealand and Australia.
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Telegraph.co.uk (UK) - Britain will never have a Mediterranean drinking culture
One of the many things I prefer about being in France to England, along with the superior food, beautiful architecture and even more beautiful language, is their civilised attitude to alcohol – cheap, freely available and not used by the authorities as an excuse to constantly tell the population how horrible and rubbish they are.
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openPR (Canada) - Canadian Pharmacies Convinced Alcohol Consumption Causes More Damage than Good
Alcohol consumption has always invited strong debates, some in favor of drinking while others finding potential harm to health far more serious.
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