Reuters - Red wine-heart research slammed with fraud charges
A University of Connecticut researcher who studied the link between aging and a substance found in red wine has committed more than 100 acts of data fabrication and falsification, the university said Wednesday, throwing much of his work into doubt.
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Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - Just under half would approve of lower blood-alcohol threshold for DUIs
According to a recent questionnaire study carried out by insurers If, some 43% of Finns would lower the blood-alcohol threshold for drink driving from the present limit of 0.05% (0.5 ppm; 50mg/100ml blood).
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New York Times (USA) - America’s Drinking Binge
Excessive drinking isn’t just for college kids anymore. New research shows that four times a month, one in six Americans goes on a drinking binge, knocking back an average of eight alcoholic beverages within a few hours.
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NEWS.com.au (Australia) - Alcohol binge sessions contribute to growing grog gut
A BOOZY night out could add as much to women's waistlines as a fast food binge, with the booming popularity of kilojoule-laden cocktails, spirits and cider causing "spare tyres".
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San Francisco Chronicle - Endorphin study may help refine alcohol treatment
It's no big secret that alcohol makes most people feel pretty good, but scientists at UCSF and UC Berkeley have for the first time found evidence that liquor triggers the release of pleasure-inducing endorphins in the brain - and that heavy drinkers are especially influenced by those endorphins.
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Huffington Post (USA) - Mayor Bloomberg Plans To Limit Alcohol Sales And Advertising In New Health Initiative
First it was smoking in public places. Then it was sodas, salts and trans-fats. And now, the Bloomberg administration, perhaps taking a cue from local community boards, is going after booze.
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NewsMax.com - Liquor Ads on Social Media Attract Children
The alcohol industry’s voluntary limits on traditional advertising are largely being ignored online, according to a report Monday in the Baltimore Sun that outlines a study on the use of social media to sell alcoholic beverages — and its effect on kids.
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Scottish Daily Record (Scotland) - Scottish supermarkets should be banned from selling alcohol, says top doctor
SCOTLAND should consider removing alcohol sales from supermarkets in an effort to reduce drink-related health problems, a leading doctor told politicians today.
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The Oshkosh Northwestern (USA) - Traffic fatalities decline in 2011, alcohol continues to be a factors in ones that happen
The number of traffic fatalities in Winnebago County dropped in 2011, but alcohol continues to be a factor in many of the crashes.
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Kenilworth Today (UK) - Alcohol promotion is ‘irresponsible’
A PETROL station has been slammed by safety campaigners for running a promotion offering money off at the pump when drivers buy alcohol.
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Emailwire - New Report Definitively Declares Alcoholic Beverages as Carcinogens Says Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center
The Department of Health and Human Services issued a report at the close of 2011 which states that the heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages can be a cancer risk for humans.
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The Atlantic - The Truth About Breast Cancer and Drinking Red Wine—or Any Alcohol
This week many middle-aged women experienced joy, and maybe even raised a glass, upon reading that red wine might stave off breast cancer. The study, published in the Journal of Women's Health, turns out to be quite small. It's a limited analysis of hormone levels in the blood of 36 premenopausal women who drank red and white wine for one month. Still, the story garnered headlines and enthusiastic posts, as if women wanted this news to be true.
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National Post (Canada) - Vancouver group pitches free booze to reduce rubbing alcohol, Listerine consumption
Rob Morgan says when you wake up after getting drunk on hand sanitizer it feels like your kidney is bulging out of your body.
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Jakarta Post (Indonesia) - Regions defend alcohol bylaws despite govt calls for revision
A number of regional administrations are insisting on keeping bylaws that ban the distribution of liquor despite the government’s recommendation that they be repealed because they contradict higher laws and regulations.
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Shetland Times Online (UK) - Cheap alcohol ‘destroying’ lives, says drug and alcohol service manager
Figures from the Community Alcohol and Drugs Services Shetland (CADSS) show a higher number of problem drinkers turned to the service in 2010/11 than illegal drug users.
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