Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - NEWS ANALYSIS: Storm in a beer glass
A plan by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health to place restrictions on the advertising of alcoholic beverages has caused a small tsunami in the beer glasses of Finland’s ice hockey bosses.
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Helsinki Times (Finland) - Government proposes more restrictions on alcohol advertising
THE Ministry of Social Affairs and Health has circulated a draft bill to limit alcohol advertising. The bill, if enacted, would severely restrict such advertising and impact industries dependent upon sponsorship from alcohol companies.
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New York Daily News - Alcohol more harmful for women
Alcohol in any amount can be dangerous to anyone but it affects women more than men, with increased health risks like liver and heart diseases and infertility for them, according to experts.
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Washington Post (UK) - British parliamentary speaker says more lawmakers now seeking help for alcohol issues
An increasing number of U.K. lawmakers are seeking help for alcohol-related problems, the parliamentary speaker said Sunday, saying drinking problems among legislators mirrored those of British society at large.
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Los Angeles Times (USA) - Buying alcohol online? It's not hard for underage drinkers
Underage drinkers who participated in a study to see if they could buy alcoholic beverages online were successful in 45% of attempts.
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New York Times (USA) - A Battle With the Brewers
AFTER seeing Anheuser-Busch’s devastating exploitation of American Indians, I’m done with its beer. The human toll is evident here in Whiteclay: men and women staggering on the street, or passed out, whispers of girls traded for alcohol.
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Evansville Courier & Press (USA) - Youth Resources: Alcohol's effect on the teen brain causes risky decisions
Parents and educators have been teaching teenagers about the dangers of drugs and alcohol for years. The once popular "Just Say No" and "This is Your Brain on Drugs" campaigns are just a few that you might recall.
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Globe and Mail (Canada) - Zero-alcohol laws gaining ground in Canada; do they work for young drivers?
Half of Canada's provinces now have a zero-alcohol policy for young drivers, with Quebec becoming the fifth to join in on no-alcohol legislation along with Manitoba, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Ontario.
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Alcohol Justice - Stop “Drink Responsibly” Charade Says Alcohol Justice
Alcohol Justice, the U.S. based alcohol industry watchdog, released an in-depth report today debunking Big Alcohol’s cynical “Drink Responsibly” messages.
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BBC News (Scotland) - MSPs approve drink pricing sunset clause
New laws to bring in minimum drink pricing in Scotland will be ditched after six years if they fail to work.
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GlobalPost (Australia) - Australians drinking less alcohol, figures show
Australians are drinking less alcohol, with beer consumption plunging to a 65-year low, according to the latest national statistics.
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Sacramento Bee (USA) - U.S. re-examines alcohol ads in social media era
Twitter didn't exist the last time the Federal Trade Commission examined alcohol advertising, back in the last decade.
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AllAfrica.com (Angola) - Alcoholic Drinks Cause Disturbances in Pregnant Women
The pregnant women are likely to transmit diseases to newborn children, due to excessive consumption of alcohol during pregnancy.
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Medical Xpress - Anti-smoking drug decreases alcohol consumption in heavy-drinking smokers
The smoking cessation drug varenicline significantly reduced alcohol consumption in a group of heavy-drinking smokers, in a study carried out by researchers at the Ernest Gallo Clinic and Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol law changes attacked as sign of failure
The Northern Territory Opposition says the reason the Government is amending its liquor laws is because its original legislation has failed.
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Newstalk ZB (New Zealand) - Alcohol Bill changes 'don't go far enough'
Some changes have been made to the controversial Alcohol Reform Bill, but opposition parties say they don't go far enough. The Bill will come before Parliament next month, with some small amendments expected, but not major changes such as the introduction of a minimum pricing on alcohol.
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New York Daily News - 7 minutes of counseling can curb binge drinking
People with alcohol problems who end up at the the emergency departments at hospitals can curb their behavior with as little as seven minutes of on-the-spot physician counseling, according to research published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine.
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FM.co.za (South Africa) - Bruise cruise
Government is promising “no compromise” in its bid to rein in alcohol advertising. At the same time as other countries are discussing the possible legalisation of certain addictive drugs, SA seems intent on tightening the noose on alcohol.
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Radio Netherlands (Netherlands) - Dutch teens happy and mostly sober
Alcohol consumption among Dutch 11 and 13-year-olds has decreased substantially in the past five years. Dutch kids are also the happiest in both Europe and North America.
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