Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - Accident Investigation Board calls for alcohol limit for rowing boats
Tragically, "messing about in boats" in the Finnish context all too often involves the excessive consumption of alcohol, an open zipper, a tumble backwards off the stern of a rowing boat, and ugly drowning statistics in the newspapers, particularly over the Midsummer weekend.
Read more Times of India (Sweden) - Alcoholic women suffer quicker brain damage
Swedish scientists have found that high alcohol consumption damages the serotonin system in women's brains more readily than that in men's brains.
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EurekAlert (Sweden) - Gene impedes recovery from alcoholism
People who are alcohol-dependent and who also carry a particular variant of a gene run an increased risk of premature death. This is a recent finding from the interdisciplinary research at the Department of Psychology and the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
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HealthCanal.com (Norway) - One in thirty drivers tested positive in saliva samples
About one in 30 car drivers on Norwegian roads has alcohol, illegal drugs or psychoactive medicines in their blood.
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Views and News from Norway (Norway) - Bars may be forced to close earlier
The rise in alcohol-related violence in Norway means that bars, also in Oslo, may be ordered to stop serving at 2am. Many now keep pouring much later than that.
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Toronto Star (Canada) - Women are the new face of alcohol advertising
She's the image of poised perfection: a come-hither blonde in a sexy gold dress, balancing a martini between polished red nails, painted just a shade darker than the swizzle stick perched jauntily through the “o” in “Classic Cocktails” above her head.
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PhysOrg.com - Research shows travel combined with alcohol, weather can be deadly
How have driving patterns during the Thanksgiving holidays changed during recent years? The answer to this question may help you avoid a crash, or at least the congestion that goes with most holiday travel.
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BBC News (Scotland) - Alcohol could be banned on Scottish trains, report says
Passengers in Scotland could be banned from drinking alcohol on trains, a report into the radical overhaul of rail travel has suggested.
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Gant Daily (USA) - Drinking in the U.S. hit a 25-year high in 2010
For many it’s social. For others it’s an escape. For some, it’s simply more time. For whatever the reason, Americans are drinking more.
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Nursing Times (UK) - Doctors call for change to alcohol advice
Doctors have warned, “drinkers should have three alcohol-free days a week if they want to avoid the risk of liver disease,” the Daily Mail reported.
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Ivanhoe - Death by Alcohol
Alcohol consumption is responsible for approximately four percent of all deaths worldwide, more than AIDS, tuberculosis or violence! It’s also responsible for roughly five percent of global disease.
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AllAfrica.com (Kenya) - High School Students Abusing Drugs, Alcohol
Forty nine per cent of Kenyan youth in high school aged between 14 and 18 years have abused alcohol and drugs, a report says. A further 71 and 28 per cent of male and female youths were reported to be sexually active; a trend that exposes them to sexually transmitted infections, including Aids.
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TIME (USA) - Study: Another Reason to Keep the Drinking Age at 21
Young women who came of age in the late 1960s and '70s, when many states had lowered their legal drinking ages to under 21, remained at higher risk of suicide and homicide into adulthood, a new study finds.
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The West Australian (Australia) - Alcohol causes 'one in five' deaths by injury
Alcohol contributes to one in five of all deaths from injury in WA, including almost one-quarter of all road accident fatalities, new figures show.
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Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Women drinking, smoking in pregnancy
Australian women continue to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol during pregnancy, a new study reveals.
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MedPage Today - Chronic Drinking May Weaken Brain Connections
Chronic alcoholism may result in a weakened relationship between the frontal lobe and cerebellar activity in those who are recently abstinent, according to the results of a small study.
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Times of Zambia (Zambia) - Luo tackles alcohol abuse
Apart from the much talked about 90 days developmental transformation, Zambians have had their numerous issues which they feel will be resolved under the PF government and within the stipulated 90 days. One of such issues is the illegal trading of illicit alcoholic beverages commonly known as ‘Tujilijili’ by non- licensed vendors.
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The Dispatch (Germany) - Berlin Looking To Ease Event Alcohol Restrictions
After the success of last month’s Octoberfest, the Berlin Mayor and Council are considering changing the rules regarding alcoholic beverages on public property during specially sanctioned events.
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U.S. News & World Report - Alcoholics More Likely to Die of Cancer: Study
Alcoholics have a higher rate of death from cancer and other causes than other people, a new study finds.
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Mayo News (Ireland)- Alcohol industry accused of bullying governments
Experts on alcohol consumption have accused the government of giving in to ‘corporate bullying’ by the alcohol industry. Speaking last week during Mayo Drug and Alcohol Awareness Week, Professor Joe Barry and Dr Ann Hope argued that the government has allowed the industry to self regulate and has failed to curb alcohol advertising.
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Lifeinsurance.co.uk (UK) - British throat cancer Europe's highest thanks to obesity and alcohol
The UK suffers the highest rate of throat cancer in Europe, double the average rate, according to new analysis by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF). Britain's high level of alcohol consumption and obesity are blamed for the figures.
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The Local.de (Germany) - One in five German children have alcoholic or drug-addict parents
One in five German children have alcoholic or drug-addict parents, according to the latest annual figures on drugs and addiction.
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Irish Health (Ireland) - Alcohol-related crime a major problem
According to a survey commissioned by the charity, Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI), half of people say they have experienced some type of alcohol-related intimidation, threat or violence during the last 12 months, while almost one in 10 claim that they, or a family member, has actually been assaulted by a drunk person in the last year.
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