Automated Measurement of Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin Using the Bio-Rad %CDT by the HPLC Test on a VariantTM HPLC System: Evaluation and Comparison with Other Routine Procedures
Alcohol and Alcoholism Advance Access published online on July 30, 2008
In this study, we evaluated the new %CDT by the HPLC method
(Bio-Rad, Germany) on a Variant
TM HPLC system (Bio-Rad), checked
the correlation with well-known methods and calculated the diagnostic
value of the test.
Intra-run and day-to-day precision
values were calculated for samples with extreme serum transferrin
concentrations, high trisialotransferrin and interfering conditions
(haemolysed, lactescent and icteric samples). The method was
compared with two routine procedures, the %CDT TIA (Bio-Rad,
Hercules, CA, USA) and the Capillarys
TM CDT (Sebia, France).
A total of 350 clinical sera samples were used for a case-control
Precision values were better in high CDT and
medium CDT pools than in low CDT pools. The serum transferrin
concentration had no effect on CDT measurement, except in samples
with serum transferrin <1> situation. The method showed high correlation (
r2 > 0.95)
with the two other methods (%CDT TIA and CZE %CDT). The global
predictive value of the test was >0.90 at 1.9% cut-off.
These results demonstrate that the %CDT by the HPLC test is
suitable for CDT routine measurement; the results from the high-throughput
TM system are well correlated with other methods and
are of high diagnostic value.
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