The Journal (Ireland) - Drugs, drink, and sex – Irish teenagers on their experiences
THE EXTENT OF Irish teenagers’ experiences with drugs, alcohol and sex are unveiled in two new reports from UNICEF. UNICEF Ireland has launched the final two reports in its Changing the Future series, which address the themes of drugs and alcohol and sexual health and behaviour respectively.
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Malaysia Star (Malaysia) - A doctor’s perspective
MALAYSIA has no official definition for rare diseases. However, according to University Malaya Medical Centre consultant paediatrician and clinical geneticist Prof Dr Thong Meow Keong, the unofficial working definition is diseases that strike less than one in 4,000 people in the population.
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Toronto Star (Canada) - Better testing needed to diagnose fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Canadian expert Sterling Clarren says
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, the leading cause of developmental disability in Canada, is an umbrella term used to describe a range of disabilities that result from prenatal exposure to alcohol.
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The West Australian (Australia) - Detention 'fails' to solve foetal alcohol problems
Locking up persistent juvenile offenders is like "beating a blind child for not reading the blackboard" and alternative sentencing options to detention must be explored, an international foetal alcohol spectrum disorder expert says.
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Sunderland Echo (UK) - Pregnant mums warned over drinking
A MEDICAL expert has spoken out over the dangers of pregnant Wearside women drinking. Dr Shonag Mackenzie, of Northumbria Healthcare Trust, is warning mums-to-be that Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), can greatly affect babies physical, mental and behavioural well-being.
Read more Canada First Perspective (Canada) - First Nations taking the lead in addressing developmental disabilities
Anishinabek Nation Deputy Grand Council Chief Glen Hare says that Ontario is leagues behind the Western Provinces in addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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iPolitics.ca (Canada) - Feds fund study to determine cost of fetal alcohol disorders
The Conservative government is tasking a study to determine the financial toll of various disabilities in children and adults whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy.
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Houston Chronicle (USA) - Study links Latino assimilation, drinking while pregnant
Hispanic women who have been in the U.S. longer are more likely to drink during pregnancy than those who haven't lived here as long or assimilated as much, according to interviews conducted through a health department program.
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My SA (USA) - Alcohol poses a special danger in San Antonio
Local Hispanic women who have been in the U.S. longer are more likely to drink during pregnancy than those who haven't lived here as long or assimilated as much, according to interviews conducted through a health department program.
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MyIndia Living - Is Alcohol A Cause For Miscarriage?
The moment you plan for pregnancy or confirmed, the first advice your pals would give is not to drink. But how drinking or alcohol consumption can affect the baby development? Our attempt for today is to help you understand the effects of drinking specially during pregnancy. Do not miss to have a look.
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The Star - Her 15-year-old son couldn't read and he couldn't add. She knows she caused this
“I binge drank through my pregnancy,” says Janet Christie, matter-of-factly. “I really loved drinking. I knew when I was pregnant that it wasn't good to drink. I was so ashamed. But I had no one to talk to about it.”
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Smithers Community Services (Canada) - Regional FASD Conference Hope in Action – FASD, A Caring Community
We have selected a panel of speakers that will help us take a look at the broader context in which FASD often exists, and in this way, help break the silo that has been built around FASD as an emotionally charged disability.
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Best Start - Be Safe: Have an Alcohol Free Pregnancy Tear-off Pads
Pad of tear-off colour sheets (10 cm by 10 cm) with information for expectant parents about alcohol use in pregnancy. One side says "Be Safe: Have an alcohol-free pregnancy" and includes visuals that illustrate the dangers to the baby from alcohol use in pregnancy. The other side includes phone contact information for Motherisk, Telehealth etc.
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Neuroscience - Alterations in neural aneuploidy by drugs of abuse during fetal brain development
Mosaic aneuploidy, defined as coincidental chromosome losses and/or gains to deviate from the haploid chromosome complement, has been identified in both the developing and the adult mammalian central nervous system, including neural progenitor cells and functionally integrated mature neurons.
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Substance Use and Misuse - Subtypes of Alcohol Dependence and Their Effect on Sexual Behavior Change
This study utilized data from a National Institute on Drug Abuse and National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism funded community-based HIV prevention program in the Midwest in 2000.
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