The Local (Norway) - Norwegians sceptical as alcohol ads draw near
With the government indicating it won’t veto a controversial EU directive, a majority of Norwegians believe alcohol ads on television will lead to more widespread alcohol abuse.
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YLE News (Finland) - Prices rising for alcohol, soft drinks and sweets
Higher taxes will mean higher prices for alcohol, sweets, ice cream and soft drinks as of the start of the year. The Taxpayers’ Association of Finland calculates that, for example the price of a bottle of 38% Koskenkorva vodka will go up by 80 cents and the price of a 9 euro bottle of wine by 20 cents.
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The Baltic Course (Lithuania) - Grybauskaite signs amendments to the law on alcohol control
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite signed the amendments to the Law on Alcohol Control which will introduce restrictions for selling alcohol, alcohol containers and its consumption during sports events and in public catering establishments, writes LETA/ELTA.
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The Local.se (Sweden) - Rowdy start to the new year in Sweden
Police were kept busy during the last evening of 2011 with celebrations all over Sweden getting out of hand and resulting in brawling and firework accidents.
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Telegraph.co.uk (UK) - David Cameron plans minimum alcohol price in England
Drinkers will pay a minimum price for alcohol under plans instigated by David Cameron to tackle a growing health crisis, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
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USA TODAY (USA) - New Year's Eve: night of walking drunks, busy ER doctors
Take one New Year's Eve. Combine with a Saturday. Now add alcohol – and you have a health and safety nightmare. At least that's how some emergency room doctors feel about the fast-approaching celebration – which is always an occasion for widespread immoderate drinking and could be worse than usual this year.
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Minivan News (Maldives) - PPM supports nation-wide alcohol ban “if the government has the courage”
Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP and Spokesperson Ahmed Mahlouf has said that “if the government has the courage to ban alcohol and pork across the country, PPM will support it.”
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BBC News (UK) - Former alcoholic 'scared' by rise in young drinkers
A recovering alcoholic from Norfolk says he is "scared" by the rise in the number of young people with drink problems at his support group.
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NEWS.com.au (Australia) - Call for minimum alcohol price as alcopop tax fails to stop Australia's young binge drinkers
YOUNG binge drinkers have simply switched to cheaper booze to beat the Federal Government's controversial "alcopop" tax. New research shows 15 to 29-year-olds have dodged the 70 per cent tax on popular pre-mixed drinks by changing their drink of choice.
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Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - AMA seeks clamp on marketing of alcohol
ALCOHOL companies are exploiting loopholes in advertising regulations by launching mass campaigns at sporting events and music festivals encouraging people to drink recklessly, the peak body representing doctors has said.
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Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Premier's alcohol move is welcome
THE Scottish Government's plans to set a minimum price for alcohol have been given a significant boost from David Cameron's sudden enthusiasm for introducing similar legislation in England.
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Belfast Newsletter (Northern Ireland) - Alcohol is blamed for rise in violent clashes
EMERGENCY services across Northern Ireland have reported another busy festive season, with an alarming rise in the number of street fights and people injured.
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The Australian (Papua New Guinea) - Papua New Guinea alcohol bans extended
PAPUA New Guinean governments have stepped up their war on alcohol for the new year and deeper into 2012, when mid-year elections are expected to trigger violence. In the country's most populous region, the Highlands, liquor bans have been in force for a decade in Enga and Southern Highlands provinces.
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Telegraph.co.uk (UK) - Thousands more teenage girls hospitalised by binge-drinking than boys
Thousands more teenage girls than boys are ending up in hospital because of binge-drinking, Government ministers have revealed, as they work on new plans to tackle cheap alcohol.
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RIA Novosti (Russia) - Alcohol consumption in Russia down 17% to 15 liters in 2 yrs
Russia has seen a fall in alcohol sales over the past two years from 18 liters to 15 liters per capita a year, First Deputy Prime Minister V. Zubkov said on Wednesday.
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Ahram Online (Egypt) - Egypt reverses duty-free alcohol restrictions
In the wake of soaring prices on the black market and mounting criticism from the Egypt Free Shops Company and the tourism ministry, the decision to restrict alcohol and cigarette purchases is withdrawn.
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Stuff.co.nz (New Zealand) - Elderly drinkers on the rise
Elderly people drinking to excess is an increasing problem in New Zealand, despite most people perceiving heavy drinking as a youth issue.
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AdAge.com (Russia) - Beer-Ad Ban Hits Russia as Nation Boosts Sobriety
Although Russia's identity will always be linked to vodka, it is also the world's fourth-largest beer market, thanks to an influx of global brewers and a culture in which beer is often drunk on the street like soda.
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TopNews Arab Emirates (Australia) - Australia Gearing Up To Deal with Alcohol and Drug Abuse
On the New Year eve, we all pledges to improve our life by not indulging into bad habits and by giving up our unhealthy lifestyle. Similarly, the Australian Medical Association President Steve Hambleton has asked the Federal Government to come up with a better policy which would put greater emphasis over the health of the kids.
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TechEye - Microsoft cracks down on heavy drinking
Software giant, Vole, is so worried that its image has been tarnished by the heavy drinking antics of its sales people that it has ordered its staff back off the wagon.
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Politics.co.uk (UK) - New year's resolution? Cameron launches war on alcohol
Drinkers looking to cut down on their intake in the new year will receive some help from the government, after reports emerged of a 'big bang' plan to tackle alcohol consumption in England and Wales.
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Malta Independent Online (Malta) - Drink-driving remains a concern
Many people continue to underestimate the danger of drink-driving even though it claims numerous lives, AÄ¡enzija Sedqa believes.
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24 (Kyrgystan) - In Kyrgyzstan number of adolescents who take alcohol drinks increases
In Kyrgyzstan, 181 teenagers have been examined for 10 months of 2011. 151 of them were drunk. This was stated in the press-centre for the Kyrgyz Ministry of Public Health.
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The Local (Germany) - More seniors addicted to drugs and alcohol
Hundreds of thousands of German senior citizens are dependent on drugs or alcohol and authorities worry the number is only increasing.
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