Although millions of adults meet criteria for substance use disorder (SUD) in the U.S., only a fraction receive treatment. This may be due to individuals with SUD not perceiving a need for treatment.
In order to distinguish persons with SUD who perceive a need for treatment from those who do not, correlates for the perceived need for treatment were assessed for respondents with Alcohol Use Disorder only, Drug Use Disorder only and both Alcohol and Drug Use Disorder. Data were from the combined 2005–2009 datasets of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.
Logistic regression models were used to calculate odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals.
Results demonstrated that among respondents who need treatment but did not receive treatment for alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder and both alcohol and drug use disorders, 3.3%, 8.3% and 12.4% perceived a need for treatment, respectively.
No single socio-demographic correlate was predictive of perceiving a need across the three subpopulations suggesting that screenings for substance use disorder should be done in a setting where the general population may be accessed, e.g. primary care settings.
Correlates associated with perceiving a need for treatment for all three subpopulations included psychological distress, disorder severity and substance type.
Although respondents with greater disorder severity were more likely to perceive a need for treatment, a large proportion of those still do not perceive a need for treatment.
Screening and brief interventions would facilitate treatment entry among those with the most severe disorders.
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