
To support the free and open dissemination of research findings and information on alcoholism and alcohol-related problems. To encourage open access to peer-reviewed articles free for all to view.

For full versions of posted research articles readers are encouraged to email requests for "electronic reprints" (text file, PDF files, FAX copies) to the corresponding or lead author, who is highlighted in the posting.


Saturday, April 7, 2007

A Retrospective Case Control Study of Alcohol Relapse and Spiritual Growth
American Journal on Addictions, Volume 16, Issue 1 January 2007 , pages 56 - 61

In the context of an NIAAA/Fetzer Institute-funded study designed to look at the impact of spirituality in an inpatient alcohol treatment, this retrospective case control study investigated whether spiritual growth occurred during an inpatient phase of treatment for alcohol dependence, the degree to which spiritual gains (if noted) would be maintained at follow-up, and whether spiritual growth would be associated with follow-up sobriety.

To accomplish this goal, thirty-six individuals who reported relapsing to alcohol at three-month follow-up were compared with thirty-six matched controls who reported abstinence at follow-up. Spiritual development and change was assessed via a set of six measures.

Paired t-tests revealed that spiritual growth occurred across all measures during the treatment phase. Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated that this growth was maintained at three-month follow-up.

Two-way repeated measures ANOVA revealed that while non-relapsers maintained spiritual growth over the course of four weeks of treatment and in the three-month period following treatment, renewed alcohol use was associated with decreased spirituality.


Naltrexone and Disulfiram in Patients With Alcohol Dependence and Current Depression.
Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. 27(2):160-165, April 2007.

Although disulfiram and naltrexone have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of alcoholism, no medications have been approved for individuals with alcohol dependence and comorbid psychiatric disorders. In particular, the effect of these medications on alcohol use outcomes and on specific psychiatric symptoms is still unknown in patients with the most common co-occurring disorder, major depression.

One hundred thirty-nine subjects (54.7%) met the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition criteria for major depression. There was no relationship between the diagnosis of depression and medication treatment on alcohol use outcomes, psychiatric symptoms, or the reporting of side effects for these medications.

There was a significant interaction between diagnosis, medication group, and craving, where subjects with depression on disulfram reported lower craving over time than subjects with depression on naltrexone.

The results suggest that disulfiram and naltrexone are safe pharmacotherapeutic agents for dually diagnosed individuals with depression for the treatment of alcohol use disorders.




California Department of Alcohol and Drug Program
Fiscal Year 2007-08 Governor's Budget (Preliminary) Allocation, 1.0

This bulletin transmits the Fiscal Year (FY) 2007-08 Governor's Budget (Preliminary Budget) Allocation to counties for informational and planning purposes. The enclosed allocation of funds is contigent upon enactment of the FY 2007-08 Budget Act, federal appropriations, and executed State/County contracts. After the FY 2007-08 Budget is enacted, a final notice will be sent to reflect any adjustments.

This bulletin includes five exhibits: (A) Overview of Program, Funding, and Allocation Methodologies, (B) Statewide Allocation Summary, (C) Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Block Grant Fund Pilot Exchange Program, (D) Funding Periods Chart, and (E) Statewide Allocation Worksheet.


Significant changes pertaining to the Governor's Proposed (Preliminary) FY 2007-08 Budget and allocation are:

State General fund (SGF)
The Preliminary Budget Allocation provides $108.9 million in total SGF funds. Of this amount, $79.7 million is designated for Drug Medi-Cal (DMC) services. The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) has budget authority to allocate a maximum of $75.3 million for Regular DMC and $4.4 million for Perinatal DMC servies from SGF.

SAPT Block Grant Discretionary, Perinatal and Substance Abuse Treatment and Testing Accountability (SATTA) funds
The preliminary allocation reflects the ongoing SAPT Block Grant reductions from all SAPT funding sources except for the Perinatal Set-Aside and SATTA funds. The allocation provides $132,591,163 in SAPT Discretionary Ongoing funds, $17,054,000 in SAPT Perinatal Set-Aside funds, and $8.6 million in SAPT SATTA funds.

SAPT Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Set-Aside
The Department has adopted a needs-based HIV allocation methodology for FY 2007-08. The new methodology is based on the following needs factors: living AIDS cases, counseling and testing prevalence, population with sexually transmitted disease, population in poverty, and people of color in general population. SAPT HIV funds are no longer part of the SAPT pilot exchange funds. The overall statewide amount of the SAPT HIV funds remains at $12,501,926.

ADP's SAPT Pilot Exchange Program
FY 2006-07 was the third year of a three-yer pilot allocation policy for SAPT Block Grant funds. ADP allowed counties to exchange SAPT categorical funds (HIV Set-Aside, Perinatal Set-Aside, and Adolescent and Youth Treatment) from very small Minimum Base Allocation counties (populations less than 40,000) with equal amounts of SAPT Discretionary funds from the remaining counties (populations of 40,000 or greater). The purpose was to provide the smallest counties with greater flexibility to meet the needs of their clients. The Pilot Exchange Program will continue for an additional year while an analysis of the impact and benefits can be studied. Since the new HIV allocation is based on need, it will be excluded from the Pilot Exchange Program.



California Department of Alcohol and Drugs Program
Director's Advisory Council (DAC) Quarterly Meeting

Director Renee Zito will speak at the DAC meeting on April 23 in Sacramento. DAC is comprised of judges, directors of statewide provider organizations, the president of the County Administrators Alcohol and Drug Programs Association of California, and the chairs of eight constituency advisory committees. The eight constituent committees are African American, Asian Pacific Islander, Aging, Disability, Latino, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), Native American and Women. DAC is responsive to critical issues from judges, counties, and the larger alcohol and drug field, identifies barriers to access for traditionally unserved/underserved populations, and provides feedback to the community. Stakeholders identify and discuss issues and build consensus in major policy areas that impact the alcohol and other drug service systems and clients.


Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
1700 K Street, 1st Floor Conference Room
Sacramento, CA 95814

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Contact: Norma Pate
Phone: 916-324-4722

The Co-Occurring Joint Action Council - COJAC

One Person, One Team, One Plan for Recovery

This web site focus is to provide information and communication on the COJAC, its members, its subcommittees, and its implementation of the Co-Occuring Disorders (COD) state action plan.

In the fall of 2004, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) invited the State of California to participate in the COD National Policy Academy meeting in early 2005 in Washington, D.C.

Concurrently during the fall of 2004, the California Institute for Mental Health (CiMH) sponsored a meeting and a conference on COD. Representatives from CADPAAC and CMHDA attended the meeting and conference held in late 2004.

In the spring of 2005, a workgroup tasked to implement the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) COD state action plan began meeting. Members of the SAMHSA COD National Policy Academy and the joint association representatives coalesced into the forum called the Co-Occurring Joint Action Council (COJAC). The COJAC will be adding representation to broaden input and to facilitate moving the action plan forward with the deepest and broadest input possible.


COJAC Meetings

April 25, 2007 (South)

June 27, 2007 (Sacramento)

August 22, 2007 (South)

October 24, 2007 (Sacramento)

Past Meeting Notes:


Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Renée Zito Director of Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

State of California - Office of the Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger


Governor Schwarzenegger Appoints Renée Zito Director of Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger today announced the appointment of Renée Zito as the director of the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP) to replace Kathy Jett who today was appointed director of the newly re-organized Division of Addiction and Recovery Services within the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).

. . . . .



Friday, April 6, 2007


Wednesday, September 5th 9 AM to 3 PM
West Steps of the Capitol

More info coming soon!!

Recovery Happens
is the collaboration between private citizens, organizations, counties and the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs working together to promote the many successes of prevention, treatment and recovery programs and resources. Since 1994, Recovery Happens has been instrumental in enhancing the public's knowledge of the problem use of alcohol and other drugs in California; in promoting the success of California's diverse prevention/ intervention/ treatment and recovery programs and providers; and recognizing the extraordinary achievements of people in recovery.

Want to get involved? Attend the


Location: CAARR Office, 2921 Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821

For more information, Call Ken Jones at 916-338-9460


E-update - March 2007

In the News

Specific Alterations of Extracellular Endocannabinoid Levels in the Nucleus Accumbens by Ethanol, Heroin, and Cocaine Self-Administration

The Journal of Neuroscience, April 4, 2007, 27(14):3695-3702;

Ethanol and opiate self-administration are sensitive to manipulations of cannabinoid CB1 receptor function and, from this, a role for the endogenous cannabinoid system in the modulation of drug reward has been hypothesized.

However, direct in vivo evidence of drug-induced alterations in brain endocannabinoid (eCB) formation has been lacking. To address this issue, we explored the effect of drug self-administration on interstitial eCB levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell using in vivo microdialysis.

Local infusion of the CB1 antagonist SR 141716A into the NAc significantly reduced ethanol, but not cocaine, self-administration.

Together with our previous observation that intra-NAc SR 141716A reduces heroin self-administration, these data provide novel in vivo support for an eCB involvement in the motivational properties of ethanol and heroin but not cocaine.

Furthermore, the selective effects of ethanol and heroin on interstitial 2-AG and AEA provide new insight into the distinct neurochemical profiles produced by these two abused substances.




Team Reveals Major Role for Novel Neurotransmitter System in Regulating Drug Intake

Vol 7. Issue 12 / April 9, 2007

By Anna Sobkowski

A team of researchers at The Scripps Research Institute has provided strong new evidence that a novel neurotransmitter system in the brain is involved in alcohol and opiate addiction. The group found that levels of endogenous cannabinoids increase or decrease in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol or opiates consumed. By providing insight into possible new targets for drug therapy, this work opens up novel avenues for regulating addiction.




Thursday, April 5, 2007

New Report Makes Recommendations on How to “Take the ‘High’Out of Higher Education
April 2, 2007Vol. 16, Issue 13

”Only one-fifth of administrators at U.S. colleges and universities believe that the school bears primary responsibility to prevent alcohol abuse and drug use among their students, according to a recent report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University. . . . . The report concludes that “institutions of higher education have an obligation to take on the problem of student drinking, smoking and other drug use and abuse…”(p. 2) and makes several recommendations:
  • Change the Prevailing Climate.
  • Engage and Change Attitudes of Students and Their Parents.
  • Address the Needs of High-Risk Students.
  • Monitor Progress and Improve Results.
Funding Available For 16 Grants to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Targeted Areas of Need

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is soliciting applications for grants to expand substance abuse treatment capacity in targeted areas of need. This program is designed to address gaps in substance abuse services for persons with alcohol and drug use disorders and help meet the demand for such services. By improving needed treatment services, this program is intended to help reduce the health and social costs of substance abuse and dependence to the public and increase the safety of America’s citizens by reducing substance abuse related crime and violence.

It is expected that approximately $8 million will be available to fund up to 16 awards for up to three years. It is intended that these grants will result in the delivery of services as soon as possible after the award. The grants will be awarded by SAMHSA’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.



NIAAA Research Grant (R01) Program Announcements

  • PA-07-215 Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services Research, and Recovery (R03), issued 2/07

  • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), invites applications to support research on pharmacologic and behavioral treatments for alcohol use disorders; the organizational, financial, and management factors that facilitate or inhibit the delivery of evidence-based services for alcohol use disorders, and recovery from alcohol use disorders.

    Research Research objectives of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) include, but are not limited to: (1) research on medications for the treatment of alcohol use disorders; (2) research on behavioral interventions for alcohol use disorders; (3) health services research on organization and management of alcohol services; and (4) research on recovery. This FOA seeks applications that address the aforementioned objectives for the population as a whole and in specific subpopulations. In addition, elucidating disparities among racial/ethnic groups with respect to alcohol treatment, service delivery, and recovery is encouraged.



    Preventing Underage Drinking
    Using Getting To Outcomes with the SAMHSA Strategic Prevention Framework to Achieve Results

    By: Pamela Imm, Matthew Chinman, Abraham Wandersman, David Rosenbloom, Sarah Guckenburg, Roberta Leis

    Underage drinking is a significant problem in the United States: Alcohol is the primary contributor to the leading causes of death among adolescents. As a result, communitywide strategies to prevent underage drinking are more important than ever. Such strategies depend on the involvement and education of adolescents, parents, law enforcement officials, merchants, and other stakeholders.

    This guide is designed to take communities through the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies to prevent underage drinking and youth access to alcohol. The guide is structured according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Strategic Prevention Framework, a five-step prevention approach. Within the five steps, the guide adopts the Getting To Outcomes model of empowerment evaluation, results-based accountability, and continuous quality improvement.

    The result is a comprehensive, step-by-step manual for developing, implementing, and evaluating a high-quality communitywide plan to prevent underage drinking and its related consequences.

    Recommendations include the development of educational strategies for parents, adolescents, and alcohol merchants; attracting the involvement of civic leaders; working to reform legislation governing underage access to alcohol; and training law enforcement officials to be vigilant but safe in their efforts to police underage drinking in the community.



    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    No. 71 January 2007

    Alcohol and tobacco1 are among the top causes of preventable deaths in the United States (1). Moreover, these substances often are used together: Studies have found that people who smoke are much more likely to drink, and people who drink are much more likely to smoke (2). Dependence on alcohol and tobacco also is correlated: People who are dependent on alcohol are three times more likely then those in the general population to be smokers, and people who are dependent on tobacco are four times more likely than the general population to be dependent on alcohol (3).
    The link between alcohol and tobacco has important implications for those in the alcohol treatment field. Many alcoholics smoke, putting them at high risk for tobacco-related complications including multiple cancers, lung disease, and heart disease (i.e., cardiovascular disease) (4). In fact, statistics suggest that more alcoholics die of tobacco-related illness than die of alcohol-related problems (5). Also, questions remain as to the best way to treat these co-occurring addictions; some programs target alcoholism first and then address tobacco addiction, whereas others emphasize abstinence from drinking and smoking simultaneously. Effective treatment hinges on a better understanding of how these substances—and their addictions—interact.
    Understanding just how alcohol and tobacco interact is challenging. Because co-use is so common, and because both substances work on similar mechanisms in the brain, it’s proving difficult to tease apart individual and combined effects of these drugs. In this Alcohol Alert, we examine the latest research on the interactions between these two substances, including the prevalence of co-occurring tobacco and alcohol use disorders (AUDs), some of the health consequences of combined use, biological mechanisms and genetic vulnerabilities to co-use and dependence, barriers to the treatment of tobacco dependence in patients with alcohol and other drug (AOD) use disorders,2 therapies that are proving effective in treating co-occurring tobacco and alcohol dependence in depressed patients, and treatment interventions for adolescent patients with co-occurring tobacco and AOD use disorder.

    PTSD Research Quarterly
    The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder1
    Volume 17 No. 4 Fall 2006

    Miles McFall, PhD and Jessica Cook, PhD

    Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center,
    VA Puget Sound Health Care System

    PTSD Research Quarterly
    The National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    PTSD is associated with increased morbidity, utilization of medical care services, and premature
    death. The proclivity of individuals with PTSD to engage in behaviors with adverse health consequences likely contributes to these associations, along with dysregulated neuroendocrine and immune system pathways, genetic vulnerabilities, maladaptive psychological states, and learned illness behavior (Boscarino, 2004, 2006; Schnurr & Jankowski, 1999).

    This review summarizes key papers linking PTSD with the three leading causes
    of morbidity and mortality in United States.
    • Smoking
    • Alcohol and Drug Use
    • Poor Diet and Physical Inactivity


    Contributor: Don Phillips

    Insurance bill advances

    INDIANAPOLIS - A woman who has a glass of wine at dinner trips and falls outside the restaurant.

    The hospital emergency room treats her broken ankle, but although she is insured, her health-insurance company won't pay the claim. The reason: A blood test showed she had alcohol in her system, even though she wasn't legally intoxicated. And that denial is perfectly legal.

    Source: Ensuring Solutions to Alcohol Problems_


    National Alcohol and Drug Addiction. Recovery Month 2007. Join the Voices for Recovery. Saving Lives, Saving Dollars.
    Wednesday, April 4, 2007

    SAMHSA's Road to Recovery Update

    The Road to Recovery Update keeps you informed about activities leading up to National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September. Feel free to forward this information to friends and colleagues, include it in newsletters or listservs, or link to it from your Web site.

    Next Webcast

    "Alcohol en la Comunidad Latina" premieres Wednesday, April 4:

    This Webcast is produced in Spanish.

    Alcohol en la Comunidad Latina Webcast According to recent statistics, in 2005, the rate of substance dependence or abuse among Hispanic persons aged 12 and older was 9.3 percent, while the rate of binge alcohol use among Hispanics was 23.7 percent. This show discusses issues surrounding alcohol abuse and dependence specific to the Latino community in the United States. (Source: 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health)

    Visit to watch the trailer and 1-hour Webcast.

    Ask the Expert - April 2007

    Get answers to your questions about the topics covered in the "Alcohol en la Comunidad Latina"—Producido en español" Webcast. Submit your questions using our anonymous online form, and answers from our expert will be posted in early May.

    Visit Ask the Expert before April 20 to submit questions for this month's expert: Rita L. Nieves, RN, MPH.

    For more information about Rita L. Nieves, visit

    Spanish Webcast and promotion opportunities

    April’s all-Spanish Webcast offers the potential to reach new individuals who might not know about the Webcasts. Here are some ideas to help promote the Webcast:
    • Contact organizations and community health clinics in geographic areas with a high concentration of Hispanics in order to promote and distribute the Webcast.
    • Call your local Spanish-language television affiliate to see if they can air the Webcast (free DVD and/or VHS copies are available for television stations by emailing
    • If you belong to any appropriate listservs, ask them to help promote the Webcast in an upcoming listserv.
    • Hold an event and show the Webcast.

    Carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages
    Lancet Oncology 2007; 8:292-293

    Policy Watch

    In February, 2007, 26 scientists from 15 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, to reassess the carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages and of ethyl carbamate (urethane), a frequent contaminant of fermented foods and beverages. These assessments will be published as volume 96 of the IARC Monographs.1 This paper reports on the assessment of alcoholic beverages. Details on the assessment of ethyl carbamate can be found at



    International Agency for Research on Cancer

    N° 175

    28 March 2007


    Alcohol drinking has long been known to cause cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, and liver (IARC Monographs Volume 44, 1988). The addition of breast cancer and colorectal cancer, two of the most common cancers worldwide, to this list indicates that the burden of cancer attributable to alcohol consumption is higher than previously thought. "The scientific evidence relating alcohol drinking to an increased risk of cancer continues to grow as does the contribution of alcohol drinking to the global cancer burden. The clear association with increased risk of breast cancer associated with even modest levels of alcohol drinking is a major concern particularly in view of the changing drinking patterns of women in many countries. Public Health action against alcohol consumption, especially excessive alcohol consumption, needs to be stepped up", said Dr Peter Boyle, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization.



    (international conference)


    The Pleasure & the Pain

    The Watershed, 1 Cannon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol, UK

    Friday, November 30th, 2007

    Topics will include:

    Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Illicit Drugs, Gambling, Eating Disorders, the Internet, “Excessive Appetites,” Addiction and the Brain, Patterns of Behaviour, the Nature & Extent of the Problems, the Cost to Society, Approaches to Treatment and Recovery and the Globalisation of Addiction.

    Speakers will include:

    Bruce Alexander, Douglas Cameron, Henk Garretsen, Gerhard Gmel, Christine Godfrey, Mark Griffiths, Deanne Jade, Roy Light, Anne Lingford-Hughes, Jim Orford, Moira Plant, Regina van den Eijnden, Harry Shapiro & Robert West.

    This meeting is supported by the Alcohol Education & Research Council

    Bookstall provided by Blackwells

    Registration fee: (payable to UWE, Bristol): £125.

    Further details may be obtained from: Mrs Jan Green, University of the West of England, Blackberry Hill, Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1DD, UK. Telephone: 0117 328 8800; fax: 0117-328 8900; Email:

    Source: Martin Plant
    Press Releases
    Government cuts funding for young people's drug and alcohol services by 10%

    A Government grant to fund young people�s drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services across England is being cut by 10% (�6.6 million) in 2007/08, the charity DrugScope reveals today. DrugScope, the UK�s leading independent centre of expertise on drugs, was alerted following calls from local projects alarmed about the impact on services and job losses.

    The charity reports that drug and alcohol prevention and education services are being hit hardest with projects being forced to make cuts and job losses, but treatment provision is also being affected in some areas.

    . . . . more


    Source: Daily Dose

    Tuesday, April 3, 2007

    Washington Weekly Roundup
    April 2, 2007

    H.R. 1593/S. 1060, The Second Chance Act Reentry Legislation Reintroduced in the House and the Senate; Full House Judiciary Committee Approves the Legislation, Hearing Emphasizes Importance of Employment and Drug Treatment

    The Second Chance Act, legislation that seeks to help States and localities better address the needs of individuals reentering the community from the criminal justice system, was reintroduced in the House of Representatives on March 20th and in the Senate on March 30th. Representative Danny Davis (D-IL) and 14 additional bi-partisan Members introduced the House version of the Second Chance Act, H.R. 1593, and Senators Joe Biden (D-DE), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Sam Brownback (R-KS), and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced S. 1060, the Senate version of the Second Chance Act.

    On March 28th, the full House Judiciary Committee approved H.R. 1593 following a mark-up (review) of the legislation led by Second Chance Act sponsors Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) and Ranking Member Lamar Smith (R-TX). During the mark-up session, Congressman Louie Goehmert (R-TX) offered a number of amendments that would have removed various provisions of the Second Chance Act; however, none of these amendments was approved. In addition, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security, led by two additional co-sponsors of the Second Chance Act, Chairman Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Randy Forbes (R-VA), approved the legislation prior to full Committee review on March 27th. Since the House Judiciary Committee has approved the Second Chance Act, the legislation can now be considered by the full House.


    Spread the Word
    April 2007 vol. 8 issue 4

    eYe on research:  addiction science made easy

    Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at Risk for Alcohol Problems

    Most First-Time Offenders for Driving While Intoxicated Need Help for More than Just Alcohol

    Sequence Variation in the Alpha Synuclein Gene Contributes to Alcohol Craving

    Earn NAADAC Contact Hours

    eYe on funding

    SAMHSA: Access to Recovery (ATR)

    NIH: Women & Sex/Gender Differences in Drug & Alcohol Abuse/Dependence

    eYe on special populations

    NSDUH Report: Patterns & Trends in Inhalant Use by Adolescent Males & Females: 2002-2005

    en español

    NIDA Serie de Reportes de Investigación - El VIH/SIDA

    eYe on resources

    Mid-America ATTC: Faith & Alcohol Awareness Bulletin Insert

    Travel Awards Available for AMERSA's 31st Annual Conference

    New CASA Report: Wasting the Best & the Brightest: Substance Abuse at America's Colleges & Universities

    eYe on events
    April is Alcohol Awareness Month

    Northeast ATTC: The Training Point: an uncommon learning exchange for addiction trainers - Begins April 30

    The Third International Interdisciplinary Conference on Clinical Supervision - June 7th-9th

    eYe on education:
    Online/Correspondence Course: Advanced Issues in Ethics

    Online/Correspondence Course: Feeling Good - The Science of Well-being

    eye on epubs

    Faces & Voices of Recovery - March 13, 2007

    NIAAA Newsletter - Spring 2007, Number 12

    NIATx eNews Update - March 2007

    Northwest Frontier ATTC Addiction Messenger - Nicotine Cessation Part 1: Building & Sustaining Motivation - Volume 10, Issue 2 (PDF)

    national daily news

    National Daily News from Join Together

    eYe on the web

    Hepatitis Foundation International Online Learning Center

    News Release - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is linked to the Justice System
        TORONTO, April 3 /CNW/ - For the first time in Ontario, a website has
    been developed that helps lawyers, crown attorneys and judges deal with the
    most perplexing and costly phenomena they face routinely in the courts - Fetal
    Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

    FASD has been a medical diagnosis in Canada since the mid-70s but it is
    only recently that Justice System personnel began to link repeat offenders and
    victims to the potential of permanent, but invisible, brain damage.

    "FASD, affecting offenders, witnesses, and victims, is a major issue in
    the criminal justice system," said Jonathan Rudin program director of
    Aboriginal Legal Services of Toronto. "FASD is permanent brain damage from
    before birth. People with FASD do not learn the same way as others and
    reliance on punishment as a response to wrong-doing will usually make the
    situation worse for everyone."


    Contributor: Peggy Seo Oba

    April is Alcohol Awareness Month

    To recognize the serious problem of alcohol abuse, April is designated “Alcohol Awareness Month.” April 5 marks the annual observance of National Alcohol Screening Day (NASD) . At locations across the United States, people can be screened—anonymously—to see if their drinking habits may be risky.

    Participants who come into a screening site on April 5 will have the opportunity to view an educational presentation and pick up educational materials, such as a questionnaire that screens for risky drinking and dependence. People can also meet one-on-one with a health professional to discuss any concerns. The screenings are free and anonymous.

    NCADI Alcohol Awareness Month website

    National Alcohol Screening Day®


    Action News Vol. XVII No. 1 (2007)

    • CCSA creates new online resource for substance abuse professionals
    • Issues of Substance 2007 Mark Kleiman and Thomas Homer-Dixon chosen as keynote speakers
    • Three more years CCSA renews collaboration with the National
      Native Addictions Partnership Foundation
    • Traditional Inuit teachings CCSA will work with Inuit Elder to translate and publish teaching manuals
    • Supporting Success Theme and dates picked for National Summer Institute on Addictions
    • CCSA on the world stage Centre’s CEO organizes an international NGO forum for 2008
    • New publications from CCSA FAQ examines drug courts; research brief looks at harms, perceived and actual