Johnson et al. (2008b) reported that, in a college student sample, the effect of religiousness on alcohol use was mediated by negative beliefs about alcohol, social influences, and spiritual well-being, and that these variables in turn impacted alcohol use and problems both directly and indirectly via motives for drinking.
This study attempted to replicate those findings in a sample of community dwelling adults (N = 211).
The effect of Religious/Spiritual Involvement was mediated by Negative Beliefs About Alcohol, Social Modeling, and Spiritual-Well-Being.
However, Social Modeling had stronger relationships with motives for drinking and alcohol consumption than the other two mediators.
The effect of Religious Struggle on Alcohol Problems was mediated by Spiritual Well-Being and coping motives for drinking.
Results provide further support for the motivational model of alcohol use and suggest plausible mechanisms by which religiousness could causally impact alcohol use and problems.
Religious struggle may be a clinically significant correlate of alcohol problems.
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