Global Actions in Focus
Brewers Association of Japan: STOP! Underage Drinking Campaign
In 2011, the campaign was expanded to include internet advertisements and video advertisements on trains in an attempt to strengthen communication with youth. Internet campaign advertisements are featured as banner ads on sites such as Yahoo! Japan and are in the form of a game to actively engage underage viewers.
In addition to visual media, the Brewers Association of Japan collaborates with several retail associations, including supermarkets and convenience stores, and the Karaoke Restaurant Association to deliver point of purchase (POP) posters with the STOP! logo. Surveys are conducted after each campaign to evaluate its effectiveness and gather suggested improvements. Since 2005, the Brewers Association of Japan has conducted seven STOP! Underage Drinking Campaigns and according to their latest post-campaign survey, have achieved a 90% recognition rate.
In collaboration with the STOP! campaign, the Brewers Association of Japan also conducts the Prevention of Underage Drinking- Posters, Slogans and School Activities Contest. Started in 2002, the contest has been continued for 12 consecutive years. This initiative asks middle and high school students to submit posters, slogans, and school activities that promote the theme of anti-underage drinking. The contest is supported by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, National Tax Agency, Cabinet Office, National Police Agency, PTA, Nursing Teachers Association, and Principles Association.
Key Recent Milestones
· India: Three life skills workshops promoting responsible drinking were hosted in India in June and July 2013. Two workshops in June involved approximately 200 participants from the Mumbai Police Department. Partnering with CII Bangalore for the third workshop in July, Global Actions provided information and training to approximately 35 Infosys employees. A fourth workshop for Blue Star Infotech employees will take place on July 26, 2013.
What's Happening Next
· Nigeria: A health education intervention will take place in Nigeria beginning the week of August 5, 2013. Volunteers will distribute fliers, hang posters, and host carnival-like events that promote “Don't Drink and Drive” to petroleum tanker drivers in Apapa, Lagos.
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