The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Adults (DEGS1) was conducted from 2008-2011 and comprised interviews, examinations and tests. The target population was the resident population of Germany aged from 18-79 years (n = 8,152). Data on alcohol consumption, at-risk drinking and heavy episodic drinking was collected in a self-administered questionnaire with the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C).
At-risk drinking is most common among young individuals aged from 19-29 years (men 54.9 %; women 36 %), becoming less common from an age of 65 years. With 41.6 %, at-risk drinking is more prevalent in men than in women (25.6 %). Men are three times more likely to be heavy episodic drinkers than women.
Injuries are more common among individuals with at-risk or heavy episodic drinking. They receive advice on alcohol consumption during visits to general practitioners/specialists or outpatient departments more often than individuals without these drinking patterns.
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