(UK) - One in 50 babies has a birth defect: research
More than one in 50 babies has a birth defect – almost double the previous estimate, according to the most comprehensive report of its kind.
Read moreScience Network Western Australia (Australia) - Fitzroy children centre of Foetal Alcohol Disorder study
ABORIGINAL organisations in Fitzroy Valley have called for research into social, health and wellbeing issues associated with alcohol abuse.
Read (USA) - Health Screens Limit Substance Abuse in Pregnancy
Pregnant women who smoke cigarettes, use alcohol or take drugs increase the risk of medical complications for the baby and mother. That’s well-established science. Now, a program developed by the Kaiser Permanente Health System for women at risk of substance abuse during pregnancy could save nearly $2 billion annually in health care costs if implemented nationwide.
Read (Tanzania) - No Wine If You Want to Conceive
If you are a habitual drinker and you are planning to get pregnant, put that glass down.It is advisable to forgo your favourite tipple for at least three months before the planned pregnancy, and remain alcohol-free for the ensuing nine months to delivery. Here is why.
Read (Canada) – NAN tells province to get serious about FASD
Nishnawbe Aski Nation Deputy Grand Chief Terry Waboose is calling on the province to develop an integrated provincial strategy for prevention and support services for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
MedIndia - Gestational Alcohol Exposure may be Revealed by Analysis of Fetal Meconium
A new study has examined fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) and ethylglucuronide (EtG) in meconium samples from public hospitals in seven Italian cities to test for prenatal exposure to alcohol.
Read moreAlcoholism - Callosal Thickness Reductions Relate to Facial Dysmorphology in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Consistent with previous reports, findings suggest an adverse effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on callosal growth and further indicate that fiber pathways connecting frontal and parieto-occipital regions in each hemisphere may be particularly affected. Significant associations between callosal and facial dysmorphology provide evidence for a concurrent insult to midline facial and brain structural development in FASD.
Read morePlos One - Large-Scale Analysis of Acute Ethanol Exposure in Zebrafish Development: A Critical Time Window and Resilience
In humans, ethanol exposure during pregnancy causes a spectrum of developmental defects (fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS). Individuals vary in phenotypic expression. Zebrafish embryos develop FAS-like features after ethanol exposure.
Read moreObstetrics and Gynecology - Early Start: A Cost–Beneficial Perinatal Substance Abuse Program
To conduct a cost–benefit analysis of Early Start, an integrated prenatal intervention program for stopping substance use in pregnancy.
Read moreIN OTHER LANGUAGES (Germany) - Achtung, Baby trinkt mit
Manchmal passt ein kompliziertes Problem in einen Satz: "Meine muter Trinkte", steht in krakeliger Schrift auf einem Plakat im Büro von Professor Hans-Ludwig Spohr. Der Kinderarzt leitet des FASD-Zentrum der Charité.
Read moreLietuvos rytas (Lithuania) - Nuo fizinio ir dvasinio negalavimo kenčia ne vien alkoholikių vaikai
Vokietijos gydytojas Hansas Ludwigas Spohras - specialistas neįgaliųjų vaikų, kurių motinos, būdamos nėščios, vartojo alkoholį. Duodamas interviu šalies žurnalui „Der Spiegel“ profesorius perspėjo, kad nėščiosioms pavojinga vartoti alkoholį.
Read moreIltalehti (Finland) - "En vihaa biologista äitiäni"
Annakaisa Tiirinki syntyi alkoholin vaurioittamana. FAS-taustastaan huolimatta hän on selättänyt oppimisvaikeudet ja elää itsenäisen nuoren naisen elämää.
Read moreLa Stampa (Italy) - Il meconio fetale può smascherare l’abuso di alcol
L’alcolismo è problema molto grave. Ed è anche peggio se riguarda una donna in stato di gravidanza.
I rischi per il feto sono altissimi e anche dopo la nascita è necessario tenere sotto controllo sia mamma che bambino.
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