Biological Psychiatry Volume 65, Issue 2, 15 January 2009, Pages 111-115
Alcohol dependence (AD) is costly to societies worldwide, moderately heritable, and genetically complex. Risk loci in several populations have been identified with genetic linkage analysis. To date, there has been no published linkage study of AD focused on African Americans (AAs).
We identified a genomewide-significant linkage to markers near 117.2 centiMorgans on chromosome 10q23.3-24.1 (logarithm of odds score 3.32; p = 5.0E-05; empirical genomewide p = .033).
These data add to the growing evidence for locations for AD risk loci and provide the first linkage evidence for such a locus in the AA population
We identified a genomewide-significant linkage to markers near 117.2 centiMorgans on chromosome 10q23.3-24.1 (logarithm of odds score 3.32; p = 5.0E-05; empirical genomewide p = .033).
These data add to the growing evidence for locations for AD risk loci and provide the first linkage evidence for such a locus in the AA population
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