Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research Published Online: 22 Dec 2008
The high and low alcohol preferring (HAP1 and LAP1) mouse lines were selectively bred for differences in alcohol intake. The HAP1 and LAP1 mice are essentially noninbred lines that originated from the outbred colony of HS/Ibg mice, a heterogeneous stock developed from intercrossing 8 inbred strains of mice.
QTL analysis detected significant evidence of association on 4 chromosomes: 1, 3, 5, and 9. The region on chromosome 9 was previously found linked in a subset of these F2 animals using a whole genome microsatellite screen.
We have detected strong evidence of association to multiple chromosomal regions in the mouse. Several of these regions include candidate genes previously associated with alcohol dependence in humans or other animal models.
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