The Road to Recovery Update keeps you informed about activities leading up to National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September. Feel free to forward this information to friends and colleagues, include it in newsletters or listservs, or link to it from your Web site.  Recovery Month 2008 Theme Announced Every year, towns, counties, and states throughout the country observe National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September—and 2008 will be no exception! The 19th annual Recovery Month—brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and its Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)—will recognize the impact that real people and real stories have on recovery, and celebrate those who have worked to advance the treatment and recovery landscape. In 2008, we will highlight the people for whom treatment and long-term recovery have given a renewed outlook on life. We invite you take part in our theme, "Join the Voices for Recovery: Real People, Real Recovery," and spread the word that treatment is effective and recovery is possible. By getting involved, you can help more people on a path of recovery to lead more fulfilling lives, while guiding others to recognize that substance use disorders are medical illnesses that can be treated. All of us know someone with a substance use disorder, or know a person who has a family member or friend with a dependence on alcohol and/or drugs. Those who have lived through these experiences have the most compelling stories to tell and can truly make a difference in helping others seek treatment. With stories relating to treatment providers, families, faith-based organizations, employers, and civil service workers, the 2008 Recovery Month celebration will highlight these unique perspectives of long-term recovery in depth.  2008 Kick-off Webcast The first Road to Recovery Webcast of 2008 will premiere in March. The kick-off Webcast will be the first in a series of programs in anticipation of the 19th annual Recovery Month. We will look back at Recovery Month events held across the country in 2007 and set the stage for another successful celebration in September 2008. In addition, the first Webcast will help guide individuals, organizations, and communities as they plan and host events to raise awareness about the benefits of addiction treatment and recovery. Stay tuned for the kick-off Webcast trailer as well as information on future Webcasts.  Celebrate Recovery, Share Your Story Across the country, people in recovery are celebrating their successes and sharing them with others in an effort to educate the public about treatment, how it works, for whom, and why. Through Voices for Recovery on the Recovery Month Web site, people can read these inspirational stories as well as post their own stories of recovery. We encourage you to take a moment to visit Voices for Recovery and share your recovery story. Simply click Share Stories to post your story along with your contact information if you choose to provide it. If you prefer to remain anonymous, only provide your State and your story. After you've entered your information, you will be prompted to download the Hold Harmless Form. This needs to be downloaded, filled out, and faxed back before your story can be posted. If you've already submitted your story to the Recovery Month Web site but have not yet faxed back the Hold Harmless Form, please do so. Your story cannot be posted until the Hold Harmless Form is completed and returned. Please share your story and help us spread the word to get people nationwide to submit their personal stories. Help others see that recovery is possible.  Congratulations on Recovery Month 2007 Efforts Although 2008 is fast approaching, there’s still time to commemorate the tremendous effort put forth by organizations and individuals coast to coast during Recovery Month 2007. Congratulations once again to everyone who coordinated and/or participated in a Recovery Month event this past September! Recovery Month 2007 would not have been a success without you. Don’t forget to submit your pictures and videos so we can capture all of the Recovery Month events from around the country. Be sure to add any comments from your event and send photos and any samples of materials. You can continue to post your events throughout the year.  About Recovery Month National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, celebrating 19 years of observance in 2008, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). For more information about Recovery Month, visit |