To study whether routine blood parameters in patients with alcohol syndrome predict the risk of developing delirium tremens.
Biochemical parameters were collected and analysed in 212 patients attending a psychiatry department for inpatient alcohol detoxification treatment.
Differences between those who did, and did not, develop delirium were observed in baseline platelet count , total leucocyte count , red cell distribution width , serum bilirubin , aspirate amino transferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) . Baseline platelet count predicted the development of delirium.
Baseline platelet count was an independent risk factor for delirium tremens. Serum AST and total WBC count , although not significant as independent risk factors, showed high specificity and predictive value in conjunction with low platelet count and/or previous history of delirium tremens. A normal baseline platelet count nearly rules out development of delirium tremens in patients with alcohol withdrawal in this population.
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