The starting point of STRIVE is that despite over two decades of concerted action, the global health community has been largely unable to reverse the tide of the HIV epidemic, and new infections continue to outstrip the number of people newly put on HIV treatment. “Prevention efforts that have succeeded - like Thailand’s 100 percent condom use program - have targeted not only individual behaviour change, but have addressed the policy and economic environment in which health-related decisions are made. > > > > Read More
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For full versions of posted research articles readers are encouraged to email requests for "electronic reprints" (text file, PDF files, FAX copies) to the corresponding or lead author, who is highlighted in the posting.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
STRIVE: Research on structural drivers behind the spread of HIV/AIDS
The starting point of STRIVE is that despite over two decades of concerted action, the global health community has been largely unable to reverse the tide of the HIV epidemic, and new infections continue to outstrip the number of people newly put on HIV treatment. “Prevention efforts that have succeeded - like Thailand’s 100 percent condom use program - have targeted not only individual behaviour change, but have addressed the policy and economic environment in which health-related decisions are made. > > > > Read More