133 In This Issue
135 The Risks Associated With Alcohol Use and Alcoholism
Jürgen Rehm, Ph.D.
144 Defining Risk Drinking
Deborah A. Dawson, Ph.D.
157 School-Based Programs to Prevent and Reduce Alcohol Use Among Youth
Melissa H. Stigler, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Emily Neusel, M.P.H.; and Cheryl L. Perry, Ph.D.
163 A Review of Environmental-Based Community Interventions
Traci L. Toomey, Ph.D., and Kathleen M. Lenk, M.P.H.
167 Engaging Communities to Prevent Underage Drinking
Abigail A. Fagan, Ph.D.; J. David Hawkins, Ph.D.; and Richard F. Catalano, Ph.D.
175 Prevention Interventions of Alcohol Problems in the Workplace: A Review and Guiding Framework
Genevieve M. Ames, Ph.D., and Joel B. Bennett, Ph.D.
180 Prevention in the Military: Early Results of an Environmental Strategy
Genevieve M. Ames, Ph.D., and Christopher Spera, Ph.D.
188 Translating Family-Focused Prevention Science Into Public Health Impact: Illustrations From Partnership-Based Research
Richard L. Spoth, Ph.D.; Lisa M. Schainker, Ph.D., M.P.H.; and Susanne Hiller-Sturmhöefel, Ph.D.
204 Environmental Approaches to Prevention in College Settings
Robert F. Saltz, Ph.D.
210 Individual-Focused Approaches to the Prevention of College Student Drinkin]
Jessica M. Cronce, Ph.D., and Mary E. Larimer, Ph.D.
222 College Prevention: A View of Present (and Future) Web-Based Approaches
Scott T. Walters, Ph.D., and Clayton Neighbors, Ph.D.
225 Preventing Impaired Driving: Opportunities and Problems
Robert B. Voas, Ph.D., and James C. Fell, M.S.
236 The Effects of Prices on Alcohol Use and Its Consequences
Xin Xu, Ph.D., and Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D.
246 The Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS) and Policy Research At NIAAA
Gregory Bloss, M.A.
248 Regulating Availability: How Access to Alcohol Affects Drinking and Problems in Youth and Adults
Paul J. Gruenewald, Ph.D.
257 The Road to a World Health Organization Global Strategy for Reducing the Harmful Use of Alcohol
Maristela G. Monteiro, M.D., Ph.D.