An international website dedicated to providing current information on news, reports, publications,and peer-reviewed research articles concerning alcoholism and alcohol-related problems throughout the world. Postings are provided by international contributors who monitor news, publications and research findings in their country, geographical region or program area of interest. All postings are entered without editorial or contributor opinion or comment.
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For full versions of posted research articles readers are encouraged to email requests for "electronic reprints" (text file, PDF files, FAX copies) to the corresponding or lead author, who is highlighted in the posting.
For full versions of posted research articles readers are encouraged to email requests for "electronic reprints" (text file, PDF files, FAX copies) to the corresponding or lead author, who is highlighted in the posting.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Youth’07: The Health and Wellbeing of Secondary School Students in New Zealand. Young People and Alcohol.
This report uses data from the Youth2000 surveys of young people attending mainstream secondary schools to provide a detailed contemporary profile of attitudes to alcohol, the context and patterns of drinking, adverse effects and concerns regarding drinking among New Zealand youth. The primary focus is on findings from the survey conducted in 2007. Where relevant, these findings are compared to the equivalent data from the previous survey conducted in 2001. Each of the surveys involved random samples of over 9,000 students.
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Young People and Alcohol
This fact sheet presents information about secondary school students in New Zealand and alcohol. The results are drawn from Youth’07, a survey of 9,107 students at secondary schools throughout New Zealand in 2007, with some comparisons with results from the previous survey in 2001.
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2007 Survey Reports