BRUSSELS, 11 March 2010
1. Welcome
�� The Chair welcomed all participants (cf. List in Annex 1). He highlighted that with a new Commissioner in place, alongside a new European Parliament, there would now be a political conversation at EU level that will have implications for public health. The political conversation will revisit issues such as subsidiarity and roles of regulation versus self regulation. He referred also to the current situation of "crisis and austerity" and the need to focus on the essentials rather than the 'nice to haves'.
�� He highlighted that an evaluation of the Nutrition Platform is on-going and that there will also be an evaluation of the Alcohol Forum.
�� The Chair proposed to reorder the morning's points to take the monitoring and commitments issue first, before moving on to the discussion on the Open Forum.
�� The Chair agreed that Members could circulate documents that relate to House of Commons Health Committee report which was circulated as a background report to this meeting.
�� With the change in the order of points above, the Agenda was approved.
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