The Health Profile of England (HPoE) provides national and regional data, which local areas can compare against their own Health Profiles. There is a section of international comparisons. The HPoE is intended for public service professionals and officials within the local community.
What the Health Profile of England 2009 shows – the general picture
An improvement in health outcomes
The report shows recent improvements in a number of critical areas, eg:
- declining mortality rates in targeted killers (cancers, all circulatory diseases and suicides)
- increasing life expectancy, now at its highest ever level
- further reductions in infant and perinatal mortality
- recent reductions in new diagnoses of gonorrhoea
However in some areas particular challenges remain to achieve and sustain progress, eg:
- rising rates of diabetes
- rising alcohol related hospital admissions and alcohol related deaths
Similarly for the determinants of health, we are making improvements in some important areas:
- the percentage of people who smoke
- quality of housing stock
- the proportion of school aged children completing at least two hours of PE and school sport a week.
However, even where we are seeing improvements, health inequalities are often present
- The report illustrates various geographical inequalities across England.
International comparisons give a wider context presenting national progress in comparison to countries of the European Union (EU), or to the 15 countries that were members of the EU prior to 2004 (EU-15), eg:
- Premature mortality rates from the two biggest killers, circulatory diseases and cancer are reducing faster in England than the average for the EU for both males and females
- The prevalence of adult obesity in England is amongst the highest in the EU
- Death rates for chronic liver disease and cirrhosis have risen markedly in a handful of countries, particularly in recent years. For both males and females latest data show that mortality rates in England have risen above the EU-15 average
- The percentage of all live births to mothers under age 20 in the United Kingdom remains the highest when compared to other EU-15 countries. Infant mortality rates are also higher in England than the EU-15 average.