The Road to Recovery Update keeps you informed about activities leading up to National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month (Recovery Month) in September. Feel free to forward this information to friends and colleagues, include it in newsletters or listservs, or link to it from your Web site.
Recovery Month Continues....
Recovery Month is off to a great start with over 550 community events listed on the Web site! Please keep those events coming in and help us continue to spread the word of recovery. Have a successful event? Please send us your pictures, videos and comments and encourage other event planners to follow. Click here to post an event and send us your event results today!
Recovery Month Live-Read Radio Scripts Available
It's not too late to help publicize Recovery Month. Here are some tips to help you distribute live-read scripts to local radio stations:
- Call local radio stations to have them read live-read radio scripts.
- Fax, e-mail, or mail copies of the PSA scripts to the contact person for their consideration, after calling to introduce them to Recovery Month. When you send the scripts, remember to include a cover letter. This letter should reference your previous conversation and list your contact name, organization, and phone number. The letter also should summarize the main points that are discussed in the PSA, and be clear about your appreciation for the station's support in disseminating the message of Recovery Month to the community. Click here to view the scripts.
Next Webcast
Wednesday, September 19: "Improving Addiction Treatment Services: Taking Action Now"
View the Trailer
As leaders who can influence and shape policy, civic and elected officials play a crucial role in reducing the toll addiction takes on their communities. Implementing policies that effectively treat substance abuse and dependence leads to increased productivity and profitability in the workplace, as well as decreased costs throughout the criminal justice system and social services system. Therefore, policy implementation lessens the financial burden on taxpayers. This program will look at the role of civic and elected officials in fighting substance abuse and dependence, as well as steps they can take to improve their communities' well-being.
As leaders who can influence and shape policy, civic and elected officials play a crucial role in reducing the toll addiction takes on their communities. Implementing policies that effectively treat substance abuse and dependence leads to increased productivity and profitability in the workplace, as well as decreased costs throughout the criminal justice system and social services system. Therefore, policy implementation lessens the financial burden on taxpayers. This program will look at the role of civic and elected officials in fighting substance abuse and dependence, as well as steps they can take to improve their communities' well-being.
Ask the Expert
Get answers to your questions about the topics covered in the latest Road to Recovery Webcast: "Investing in Treatment: Policymakers' Positive Impact on Their Community."
Submit your questions using our anonymous online form, and answers from our expert will be posted in early October.
Visit Ask the Expert before September 28 to submit questions for this month's expert, Todd Molfenter, Ph.D, Deputy Director, NIATx.
As Deputy Director, Todd Molfenter's role includes managing the technical assistance provided to NIATx members and process improvement coaches. He also oversees the Advancing Recovery project, serves as coach to selected NIATx members, and is a key faculty member in Learning Sessions.
For more information about Todd Molfenter, Ph.D, visit: http://www.recoverymonth.gov/2007/multimedia/
Submit your questions using our anonymous online form, and answers from our expert will be posted in early October.
Visit Ask the Expert before September 28 to submit questions for this month's expert, Todd Molfenter, Ph.D, Deputy Director, NIATx.
As Deputy Director, Todd Molfenter's role includes managing the technical assistance provided to NIATx members and process improvement coaches. He also oversees the Advancing Recovery project, serves as coach to selected NIATx members, and is a key faculty member in Learning Sessions.
For more information about Todd Molfenter, Ph.D, visit: http://www.recoverymonth.gov/2007/multimedia/
About Recovery Month
National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month, celebrating 18 years of observance in 2007, is an initiative of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA's) Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). For more information about Recovery Month, visit www.recoverymonth.gov.