Alcohol and illicit drug use and abuse are serious problems in Wisconsin. Although Wisconsin has among the highest rates of alcohol use in the nation, the state falls at or below the national average in nearly all measures of illicit drug use.
This report attempts to account for the total impact of substance use and abuse in Wisconsin considering mortality, morbidity, and crimes related to the consumption of alcohol and illicit drugs.
The University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute has been collaborating with the Wisconsin State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup (SEOW) since 2006 to explore consequence and consumption patterns of alcohol and illicit drug use in Wisconsin. This report is one of the results of that collaboration.
In March 2007, the SEOW released Wisconsin’s 2006 Epidemiological Profile. This report is both an update and a summary of that profile. Readers of both reports may notice some inconsistencies, particularly in the areas of motor vehicle fatalities and drug-related mortality. Researchers at the UW have re-examined the earlier efforts and found them in need of revision.
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