Key Recent Milestones:
· China: Global Actions met with the China Alcoholic Drinks Industry Association (CADIA) and Chinese Association of National Advertisers (CANA) to support the drafting of a self-regulation code on beverage alcohol marketing communications which CADIA is developing for endorsement of its members. Also in China, the Jiangsu Institute for Health Education has completed the report on drink driving survey results in Nanjing.
Global Actions in Focus: Drink Drive Mexico
Global Actions progress continues in Mexico with the launch of “Towards zero drink driving deaths in Puebla.” The campaign was announced with a press event held at the Dirección de Vialidad del Estado (Puebla Police Office).
The drink driving awareness campaign is a combined effort of the Puebla State Police, municipal police departments of Cuautlancingo, Amozoc, San Pedro, Cholula, and San Andres Cholula, Benemerita Univeridad Autonoma de Puebla, Universidad de las Americas de Puebla, the Youth Institute of Puebla Municipality, and Global Actions.
A comprehensive campaign with the goal of reducing alcohol-related road traffic crashes, the project focuses on three main areas: enforcement, prevention/education, and communications.
“We are looking to enhance enforcement with drink drive checkpoints and efforts to detect and apprehend drink drivers,” said Global Actions country manager Mariana Guerra Rendon. “Regarding prevention, we are looking to educate Puebla’s youth about the dangers of drink driving. And regarding communications, we are looking to widely publicize these efforts to the general public.”
At the press event, Global Actions announced plans to donate breath testing equipment to the Puebla Police to enhance checkpoints.
What’s Happening Next:
· Rwanda: Global Actions Rwanda is hosting the official signing ceremony of the Rwanda Code of Commercial Communication for Alcohol Beverages on June 13 in Kigali.