What is the student poster award contest? The American Public Health Association, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Section features a poster contest to students in the field of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. The 2012 contest will be the fifth contest of its kind. Unlike other abstract submissions, there are only a very limited number of slots open for consideration. During the program planning process, abstract reviewers will determine which of the submissions are eligible for a slot in the contest. If chosen, posters will be reviewed and judged at the APHA conference in San Francisco by experts in their respective fields (alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs) and one poster in each category will be recognized with an award.
What are the criteria for awards? Several features are important for a good poster. Below you’ll find the criteria by which the posters are scored and judged:
- Innovation and Importance: what is new, creative, ground-breaking about the project? How important is the work for ATOD and/or public health in general?
- Project Design and Implementation: quality and level of detail and fit of method with the project aims. How was the project conducted to achieve its goals?
- Implications and Generalizability: How well are implications for practice or policy discussed? Are results broad enough to change the way the field thinks or acts?
- Quality of Communication—is the poster well organized, graphically interesting, appealing to the eye, self explanatory and clearly presented?
- During the session, is the presenter able to supplement the poster with a brief and clear presentation in person?
- Overall Rating: is the whole greater or lesser than its component parts (above)?
Read Full Anouncement (PDF)