What Is Recovery is a project of the Alcohol Research Group (ARG) which conducts and disseminates high-quality research in epidemiology of alcohol consumption and problems, alcohol health services research, and alcohol policies, while also training future generations of alcohol researchers.
The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, is directed by Dr. Lee Ann Kaskutas, a Senior Scientist at the Alcohol Research Group, which is part of the Public Health Institute (PHI). The study has been approved by the PHI committee for the protection of human research subjects.
The current study is in two parts:
- The first part is a Web-based survey about your definition of recovery. You do not have to provide any personal identifying information to participate in this web survey. It is anonymous, which means that we will not be able to identify you as having participated in the study, and we will not be able to link your answers to you. Answers to the web survey also are confidential. To access the online survey please click here.
- The second part is a telephone interview to provide us with a more in-depth understanding of your definition of recovery. At the end of the web survey, a screen will come up asking if you are willing to potentially be selected for a half-hour phone interview in the next few weeks. Should you be willing to consider being interviewed, then we would need your contact information to get in touch with you for the interview. If you give us your contact information, then your answers to the web survey will no longer be anonymous. They will be linked to you. However, they will be confidential, meaning that we will not tell anyone how you answered our questions, nor will we tell anyone that you participated in the study.
To be eligible for the study, you must be at least age 18 and consider yourself as being in recovery from an alcohol or drug problem.