From 2008 to 2010 Alcohol Concern managed a project that aimed to establish and develop new peer-support groups for problem drinkers based on the SMART Recovery model. The Department of Health funded the project which worked with SMART Recovery UK and six services in England which acted as pilot sites.
This manual aims to provide guidance to alcohol services and others working with alcohol misusing clients as to how they can help the establishment and development of SMART Recovery groups in their area.
The manual is based on learning from the Alcohol Concern SMART Recovery project and includes a description of how the project developed, along with discussion on what worked well in the project and what worked less well.
The project was based on a peer-led model, with service users taking on the role of SMART meeting facilitators. However, professionals facilitate some SMART groups.
The project was focused on alcohol as opposed to other substances but SMART Recovery benefits people with any addictive substance or behaviour. Therefore the experience and advice in this manual is applicable to those working with all substance misusing clients.
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