Alcohol is part of our national culture. The subject of alcohol use amongst children and young people particularly, is never far from the headlines and is a continuous topic for debate. From 'binge Britain' to 'mothers ruin' its impact on individuals and families is one on which everyone has an opinion.
From a parent's perspective it can be hard to know how to tackle the issue of alcohol with their children. The perception is that every teenager reaches a certain age and inevitably starts experimenting with alcohol, but what is the reality? As a parent you ask yourself, are all young people doing it? Is it the social norm? And where should the line be drawn?
Drinkaware and The Guardian are digging beneath the headlines to discover the truth about alcohol and young people in a series of polls and events, asking 'what's the attraction?' and challenging parents, professionals and young people themselves to define what makes alcohol so appealing and what can be done to ensure the UK alcohol culture is a healthy one.
The first official guidance on teen drinking was released by the Chief Medical Officer at the beginning of 2009. It advised parents that children under the age of 15 should not drink alcohol under any circumstances and that 15 to 17 year olds should only consume alcohol under the supervision of a parent or carer. But what are the issues that trigger a young person to drink? From stress to peer pressure, celebrity to advertising this comprehensive investigation will provide a snapshot of the UK today.
Drinkaware works to bring you the facts surrounding alcohol and young people, dispel myths and kick-start the debate.