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Monday, December 15, 2008

CHIS 2007 Is Here!

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) today released its latest data on hundreds of topics affecting the health and well-being of Californians. The new 2007 survey includes nearly 200 variables on health topics that can be easily examined by state, region and county via the free AskCHIS web tool.

The 2007 survey is one of the largest CHIS surveys ever. More than 53,000 households participated, including over 51,000 adults and more than 13,000 teens and children.
A summary of key CHIS 2007 health topics by county or region can be found at: healthSNAPSHOTS.

The new survey introduced a number of innovations, including:
  • A new cell-phone-only sample to ensure participation of this growing type of household.

  • New questions about the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) as well as new questions on mental health, health literacy, high deductible insurance plans and access to safe parks.

  • The look of the CHIS website was also updated to make navigation even easier.