Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform
9 January 2008
The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr Brian Lenihan T.D., announced today that the Government has approved his proposal to establish an Advisory Group to urgently examine key aspects of the law governing the sale and consumption of alcohol.
Membership of the Advisory Group, which will hold its first meeting within a fortnight, will report to the Minister by 31 March 2008. The membership is as follows:
· Dr Gordon Holmes (Chair);
· Chief Superintendent John Twomey, An Garda Síochána;
· Professor Ian O'Donnell, Criminologist, University College Dublin;
· Dr Declan Bedford, Specialist in Public Health, Health Services Executive;
· Mr Seamus Carroll, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, and
· Mr Robbie Breen, Department of Health and Children.
The issues of concern to be examined by the Advisory Group are:
· the increase in the number of supermarkets, convenience stores and petrol stations with off-licences and the manner and conditions of sale of alcohol products in such outlets, including below unit-cost selling and special promotions;
· the increasing number of special exemption orders which permit longer opening hours which are being obtained by licensed premises around the country; and
· the use, adequacy and effectiveness of existing sanctions and penalties, particularly those directed towards combating excessive and under-age alcohol consumption.
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