(issued by BMA Wales Thursday 28 Jun 2007)
BMA Cymru Wales has published a four point plan to tackle Wales’s alcohol problem.
The number deaths in Wales as a result of the abuse of alcohol continues to rise and doctors report an increase in the number of young people presenting to the NHS with serious illness resulting from alcohol misuse.
Drinking in moderation can be a source of pleasure however the effect of excessive alcohol consumption on our health and the related social and economic impact is significant. For example, the number of patients discharged from hospital with alcoholic liver disease has more than doubled in the past ten years throughout the UK.
The plan calls upon the Welsh Assembly Government to:
1. Pass a Licensing Measure to end deep discounting of alcohol for sale in off licences, supermarkets and other off sales outlets.
2. Undertake research into the measures by which pricing mechanisms can be used in Wales to discourage heavy consumption of high alcohol products.
3. Legislate for alcohol labelling rather than relying on voluntary agreements with the drinks industry.
4. Reduce the drink driving limit from 80mg to 50mg and introduce Random Breath Testing in Wales.
Read Full Press Release
Source: Daily Dose