NAT vol. 24
Contents 2/2007
Antti Maunu, Petra Kouvonen
Assessing gendered substance use
Research reports
Sharon Rödner Sznitman
Drugs and gender: A contradictory
project in interviews with socially integrated men and women who use drugs
Jeanette Østergaard
Mind the gender gap! When boys and girls get drunk at a party
Jakob Demant
Youthful drinking with a purpose. Intersections
of age and sex in teenage identity work
Jukka Törrönen, Antti Maunu
Whilst it's red wine with beef, it's booze with a cruise! Genres and gendered regulation of drinking situations in diaries
Manne Forssberg
Gender, party and intoxication
Elina Oinas
Making gender matter - different approaches to gender and partying
Antti Maunu
Gender theory and empirical research.
A reply to Elina OinasJeanette Østergaard
Differences between quantitative
and qualitative research methods
Pauliina Seppälä
The forgotten body - Interview with philosopher Sara Heinämaa
Book reviews
Phillip Lalander Mikko Salasuo (eds.)
Drugs and youth cultures-global and local expressions (by Jaana Lähteenmaa)
Peter Gundelach, Margaretha Järvinen (eds.)
Unge, fester og alkohol (by Ellen O. Millar)
Alexandra Bogren
Female Licentiousness versus Male Escape. Essays on Intoxicating Substance Use, Sexuality and Gender (by Suvi Ronkainen Sanna Väyrynen)