Alcohol in the News
February 16 - February 28, 2007
The Alcohol Policy Network (APN) is a network of over 1000 individuals and organizations across Ontario concerned about the impact of alcohol on our friends, families and communities. ________________________________________
1. Alcohol Advertising / Promotion / Sponsorship
Anheuser-Busch Urged to Abandon "Idiotarod" Beer Promotion
Media Release, Center for Science in the Public Interest, February 28, 2007
Anheuser-Busch should drop its sponsorship of a charity event called the "Idiotarod," a Pub Crawl in Shopping Carts, organized by a local group that goes by the acronym "SMASHED."
Expert says ban all alcohol ads
Media Story, BBC News, February 23, 2007
A leading doctor says all advertising of alcohol must be banned in a bid to curb Britain's growing drink problem.
Big tobacco asks Supreme Court to clarify ad restrictions, make it more like beer
CHRISTOPHER MAUGHAN,, February 19, 2007
Canada’s three major tobacco companies are at the Supreme Court arguing for looser restrictions on tobacco advertising, saying the current law is so vague it amounts to a total ban and violates the companies’ constitutional right to advertise.
2. Impaired Driving / Road Safety
Mount Forest Man wins car for smart answers to prevent drinking and driving
News Release, Canadian News Wire, February 23, 2007
Bruce Fulcher of Mount Forest, Ontario is the proud owner of a new smart fortwo coupé - just because he took a few minutes to think about ways to prevent someone from drinking and driving.
On-Trail or Off-Trail…Zero Tolerance is the Message…Don't Drink and Ride
Media Release, MADD Canada, February 20, 2007
In a united effort towards eliminating alcohol as a contributing factor in snowmobiling fatalities and injuries, the Canadian Council of Snowmobile Organizations and MADD Canada announced today that they are joining forces for a National “Zero Tolerance” Awareness Day.
Habitual DUI abuser is biggest concern
RICHARD RUSSELL ,, February 15, 2007
Extensive research, design, development and engineering have gone into roadways, vehicles, signage and every other aspect of the transportation system. That has yielded heartening results. But the problem of people consuming alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel lingers on.
3. Demographic Groups
a. Youth & Young Adults
Alcohol Interventions That Teach Practical Skills Work Best With High-Risk University Students
Media Report, Medical News Today, February 27, 2007
Heavy drinking among university students appears to be a universal problem. Although most universities have alcohol policies, it is unclear which interventions can effectively reduce alcohol consumption.
More Young Brits Die from Excessive Drinking
Boston University, Join Together Direct, February 23, 2007
Drinking-related deaths among 15- to 34-year-olds in the U.K. have doubled between 1991 and 2004. The Independent reported Feb. 23 that 8,221 alcohol-related deaths were reported in 2004, not counting alcohol-related traffic crashes or injuries.
Britney's partying a turn-off for teens
LEE-ANNE GOODMAN, Toronto, Star, Feb 20, 2007
An allegedly drug-addled Britney Spears's decision to shave her head in full view of a horde of paparazzi on the weekend is just the latest example of disturbing behaviour from young Hollywood women seemingly bent on destroying themselves with drugs and alcohol.
b. Older Adults
Trends in Alcohol Consumption and Related Harms for Australians Aged 65 to 74 Years, 1990-2003
TANYA CHIKRITZHS & RICHARD PASCAL, National Alcohol Indicators, Feb, 2007
The eighth bulletin documents trends in alcohol-attributable harms due to risky and high risk drinking among those aged 65-74 years in Australia.
4. Alcohol Controls / Liability / Licensing
An Honest Conversation About Alcohol
News Release, Inside Higher Education, February 16, 2007
The current drinking age is “bad social policy and terrible law,” and that it was having a bad impact on both students and colleges.
5. Health and Safety
a. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FAS/FASD) / Pregnancy
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b. Low / High Risk Drinking / Harm Reduction
Study Says Women Who Think Drinks Were Spiked Were Just Drunk
Press Release, Join Together Direct, February 20, 2007
In a study by U.K. researchers, not one of 75 women who thought their drinks were spiked with date-rape drugs like GHB, ketamine or Rohypnol tested positive for the drugs.
c. Crime / Violence / Injury Prevention
Alcohol Plays Role in 62 Percent of All Arrests in Wyoming
Boston University, Join Together Direct, February 20, 2007
Alcohol use is involved in a remarkable 62 percent of all arrests in the state of Wyoming, from drunk driving to domestic assaults, according to a study by the Wyoming Sheriffs and Chiefs Association.
d. Addictions Treatment
Current issues in older adults with substance misuse issues
Webinar, Robert Eves, To take place March 27, 2007.
Addictions to alcohol, drugs, and other substances are shared by 1 in 10 older adults. Using harm reduction methods, case workers help clients return to a higher quality life.
Registration details at:
6. Workplace
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7. Industry News
Markets feel a glow as booze makers post big day
JOHN HEINZL,, February, 2007
Drinking heavily may not be good for your liver. But for investors, booze is beautiful.
8. International Alcohol Related News
Inaction on Consumption
Media Release, Alcohol Health Watch, February 23, 2007 (New Zealand)
Figures released by Statistics New Zealand show alcohol consumption is the highest in 20 years.
Sale and Supply of Liquor to Minors
Media Release, Alcohol Health Watch, February 19, 2007 (New Zealand)
A mixed bag! That’s the verdict of Alcohol Healthwatch on the release of the Terms of Reference for the Review of the Sale and Supply of Liquor to Minors.
9. Odds and Ends
Roll out the barrels for beer
Josh Rubin, The Toronto Star, February 28, 2007
Shortly after he left Scotland's Caledonian Brewery in 2002, the Edinburgh native was commissioned by William Grant & Sons scotch distillery to create a beer simply to add flavour to oak barrels, which would then be used to age the family-owned, Scottish company's whisky.
Minorities More Likely to Be Screened for Alcohol Use, Study Says
Newswise, Join Together Direct, February 22, 2007
Hispanics and African-Americans rarely get superior healthcare compared to white Americans, but a new report finds one exception: primary-care physicians may be more willing to query minorities about their alcohol use than to counsel white patients.