(issued by BMA Scotland Monday 25 Jun 2007)
BMA Scotland today [Monday 25 June 2007] published a five point plan to tackle Scotland’s alcohol problem.
The five demands where highlighted in a new paper published by BMA Scotland on the opening day of the BMA's annual UK conference in Torquay.
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The plan calls upon the Scottish Executive to:
1. Utilise the legislative capabilities of the 2005 Licensing (Scotland) Act, to end deep discounting of alcohol for sale in off licences, supermarkets and other off sales outlets.
2. Undertake research into the measures by which pricing mechanisms can be used in Scotland to discourage heavy consumption of high alcohol products.
3. End alcohol producers' sponsorship of sporting and entertainment events with a young target audience.
4. Legislate for alcohol labelling rather than relying on voluntary agreements with the drinks industry.
5. Reduce the drink driving limit from 80mg to 50mg and introduce Random Breath Testing in Scotland.
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