The Baltic Course (Estonia) - Estonian government hopes to earn 130 mln euros by raising the alcohol excise tax
The finance ministry draft law that was sent to other ministries for approval recently and that aims to increase alcohol excise tax in Estonia by 5% a year in 2013–2016 should result in a 130 million euros extra gain for the state budget, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.
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The Baltic Course (Estonia) - Estonian police increases control of drunk drivers
The Estonian police announced on Monday that starting today till the Midsummer's Day, it would hold frequent police operations to test the sobriety of drivers and calls for straightforward condemnation of drunk driving, LETA/Public Broadcasting reports.
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The Scientific World Journal (Lithuania) - Trends and Social Differences in Alcohol Consumption during the Postcommunist Transition in Lithuania
The aim of the study was to evaluate the trends and social differences in consumption of various types of alcoholic beverages in Lithuania over the postcommunist transition period (1994–2010).
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ABC News - Alcohol Consumption Boosts Breast Cancer Risk
A new study by the National Cancer Institute of 1,900 post-menopausal women found that consuming seven to 14 alcoholic drinks per week — in other words, one or two a day — carries a 30 percent to 60 percent increase in breast cancer risk.
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The Guardian (UK) - Cut alcohol intake to just a quarter pint of beer a day, experts advise
People should drink just a half unit of alcohol daily in order to cut the number of deaths from cancer, liver disease and other conditions linked to drinking, health experts are urging.
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Science Daily - Alcohol May Trigger Serious Palpitations in Heart Patients
The term "holiday heart syndrome" was coined in a 1978 study to describe patients with atrial fibrillation who experienced a common and potentially dangerous form of heart palpitation after excessive drinking, which can be common during the winter holiday season.
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Ninemsn - Alcohol energy drinks spark concern
The parents of a Melbourne schoolgirl who died suddenly after consuming alcoholic energy drinks at a party want answers.
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TVNZ (New Zealand) - Alcohol reform bill 'pragmatic and sensible'
The Justice Minister wants the age of people who can buy alcohol from a bottle store to be raised to 20. Judith Collins has told TV ONE's Q and A programme that she favours a split which would mean 18-year-olds could still legally drink at their local.
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OCRegister (USA) - California cuts some alcohol taxes 94%
Alcoholic beverage taxes on flavored malt beverages, such as hard lemonade and flavored wines, has been cut to 20 cents a gallon from $3.30 because of a recent state appeals court ruling.
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The Age (Australia) - Alcohol a bigger problem than drugs for young
THE Children's Court has sounded the alarm about the intensity of underage drinking in the community, saying that alcohol consumption - rather than drug use - is the ''big catalyst'' for youth offending in the state.
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Counsel & Heal (EU/USA) - American Teens Are Less Likely than European Teens to Use Cigarettes and Alcohol
The U.S. had the second-lowest proportion of students who used tobacco and alcohol compared to their counterparts in 36 European countries, a new report indicates.
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BBC News (UK) - David Nutt suggests alcohol sensors 'in every car'
Alcohol sensors should be in every car to cut drink-related road deaths and injuries, says the government's former chief drugs adviser.
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Times of Malta (Malta) - Alcohol remains Malta's top problem, survey of drug, cigarette and alcohol abuse shows
Drug, alcohol and cigarette consumption among 16-year-olds in Malta has declined, but alcohol consumption, in particular, remains a problem, according to a survey of 36 countries.
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Irish Times (Ireland) - Irish teens drink more but less often than average
IRISH SECONDARY school students drink alcohol less often than their European peers but consume more when they drink, according to a European survey published yesterday.
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Czech Happenings (Czech Republic) - Young Czechs lead alcohol consumption standings in Europe – study
The alcohol consumption of 16-year-old Czechs is the highest in Europe, according to the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Drugs (ESPAD) from 2011 focused on the use of addictive substances among 16-year-old Europeans, released these days.
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Counsel & Heal (UK) - Hospital Admissions Due to Alcohol on a Rise in England
More and more number of people are taken to hospital for alcohol related ailments each year with a steep increase of 10 percent in the total number of alcohol consumers every year in England.
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Ottawa Citizen (Canada) - The invisible victims of alcohol abuse
Children of alcoholics are often plagued by their own demons, suffering from addiction problems and anger issues and leading dysfunctional lives.
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EurActiv (EU) - Parliament steps up pressure on food, beverage ads
The European Parliament has renewed calls to curb food and beverage advertising aimed at children and young people, with some MEPs even calling for a total ban on beer commercials aimed at youth. But it's not necessary, says the industry, "We can regulate ourselves".
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Medical Xpress (EU) - Binge drinking drops, drug use levels off in Europe: report
European teens cut back on binge drinking and showed no increase in illegal drug use in recent years, while cigarettes remained as popular as in 2007, an EU agency said Thursday.
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Scotsman (Scotland) - Road safety charity suggests reduced sanctions for drink-drivers
BANS and fines imposed on anyone caught drink-driving should be reduced if the Government lowers the legal alcohol limit, a road safety charity has suggested.
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Daily Mail (UK) - Booze cruise is back: Weak euro leads to rush across the Channel to stock up on cheap alcohol
A three-year high for the pound against the euro has seen British bargain hunters return in droves to the booze cruise.
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Voxy (Australia) - Alcohol harm drives Maori Party to propose Bill changes
The Maori Party is proposing significant amendments to address alcohol related harm by making changes to the Alcohol Reform Bill including the restrictions around proximity of liquor stores to schools and tightening up the criteria around trading hours.
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News Wales (Wales) - Wales drive to combat killer alcohol
Each year 1000 deaths in Wales are due to alcohol and over 40 per cent of the Welsh population report drinking above the current health guidelines.
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Forbes (Russia) - Russian Vodka Prices Set to Increase by 30% in July
Starting in July 2012, the minimum price of vodka could go up to 125 rubles ($3.90) for a half liter from the current level of 98 rubles ($3.06). This increase is stipulated in a draft order by Rosalkagolregulirovania (RAR) which the department is planning to publish later this week a source from within RAR told Vedomosti.
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