Stockholm News (Sweden) - Swedes drink less alcohol
The alcohol consumption in Sweden was 13% lower in 2010 compared with 2004 when the consumption peaked. This development has come as a surprise for many researchers since the import restrictions for private use was liberalized in 2004.
According to a survey made by the SOM-institute in Gothenburg, only 20% want lower tax on alcohol. Six years ago, their number was 57% reports news agency TT.
WebMD (USA) - Nearly Half of U.S. Teens Smoke, Drink Alcohol, or Use Drugs
Nearly half of all American high school students smoke, drink alcohol, or use illicit drugs, according to a new report. And one in four who started using these substances before they turned 18 may become addicts.
USA Today (USA) - Report: July 4 weekend dangerous for male underage drinking
Underage males are twice as likely to go to the emergency room for an alcohol-related visit over the Independence Day weekend, a new study shows.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Smokers and drinkers pay higher price than anywhere else in EU
HAVING a smoke and a drink is dearer in Ireland than anywhere in Europe. New figures also show that food and soft drinks are 20pc more expensive here than in the other 26 European Union states.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Alcohol industry upset over link in plain packaging ads
WHILE Australian anti-smoking campaigns are broadcast around the world, the latest advertising efforts of the tobacco industry have angered a potential ally against government regulation - the wine industry.
BBC News (UK) - New task force to tackle Glasgow's booze culture
A multi-agency task force has been set up to tackle disorder and anti-social fallout from Glasgow's "booze culture".
BBC News (Northern Ireland) - Alcohol link to increased suicide rate in NI
Alcohol abuse is a major factor contributing to people taking their own lives, according to the findings of an inquiry.
Scottish Daily Record (Scotland) - Nicola Sturgeon: SNP will make war on cheap alcohol top priority in 2012
HEALTH secretary Nicola Sturgeon yesterday vowed to drive through minimum pricing for drink within a year.
TopNews New Zealand - Study Links Memory Blackouts with Alcohol Related Injuries
A recent study conducted by the U. S. and Canadian researchers has found that college students who experience more memory blackouts are at a higher risk of suffering from injuries. Memory blackout is an inability to recall events when a person is under the influence of alcohol. It’s not related to any other type of memory loss.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - Push to ask patients more about their drinking
Patients' drinking habits would come under closer scrutiny during GP visits if an alcohol screening programme becomes a reality.
Manila Bulletin (Philippines) - Congress to fix alcohol taxation with adverse ruling from WTO
Congress is going to fix the excise tax on imported spirits as the World Trade Organization (WTO) is set to release the official report of the case filed by EU and the US against the Philippines over discriminatory treatment on imported liquor.
Montreal Gazette - Binge drinking can damage young brains, study says
Young binge drinkers could be doing serious damage - to their brains. New research by scientists at the University of Cincinnati (UC) has shown that too much alcohol can harm brain cells in still-growing brains.
PR Newswire - Drink beer to lose weight? Muscle-up with a vodka tonic? Latest Deceptive and Dangerous Marketing Trend by Big Alcohol
Marin Institute, the alcohol industry watchdog, released a new study today: Questionable Health Claims by Alcohol Companies: From Protein Vodka to Weight-Loss Beer. The report analyzes Big Alcohol's latest marketing scheme to jump on the healthy product bandwagon made popular by the food industry. But, the report concludes, when it comes to alcoholic beverages, such marketing messages are "legally tenuous, morally unsound, and potentially dangerous."
Medscape - Elderly Are Society's 'Invisible Addicts,' Report Says
Not enough is being done to identify and fight substance abuse in the elderly, according to a new report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP) in the United Kingdom.
Wigan Today (UK) - Drinking ourselves to death
A new report by the Centre for Public Health has shown 53 women were killed by alcohol abuse in 2006/08 – a staggering 26%rise compared with 2005/07.
HealthCanal.com (Canada) - Health data can help address alcohol-related harm in youth
Using ambulance, hospital and other routinely collected health data can provide a more comprehensive, dynamic picture of trends in alcohol use among young people, according to a new report involving CAMH collaboration.
Scotland Courier (Scotland) - Alcohol Focus Scotland says it's time for society to shun excessive drinking
The social acceptability of excessive drinking must be challenged to prevent the harmful effects it has on individuals and communities, a leading charity says.
The Island.lk (Sri Lanka) - Alcohol policy in Sri Lanka needs a rethink
In recent years there have been a number of developments in alcohol policies the world over. A noteworthy aspect in these is that the greatest public support is given to policy measures that are not seen as intruding on the moderate or occasional drinker and do not penalize the alcohol industry.
London South East (UK) - Church of England reviews alcohol investment policy
The Church of England could threaten to pull its investments from British-listed supermarkets that fail to meet its minimum ethical standards on the sale of alcohol, in an attempt to stem the sale of cheap alcohol and reduce binge drinking.
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