The Copenhagen Post (Denmark) - Born to be wild ... and loaded
As kids nationwide mix end of school celebrations with alcohol, a new study finds that one in 12 Danish teens have serious substance abuse problems.
Herald Review (Denmark) - Danish study gives women mixed message
The Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (MOFAS) is concerned that the recent research study from Denmark gives women a mixed a message. The study states that low to moderate drinking of up to 8 alcoholic drinks per week is generally safe for the developing baby.
WebMD - First-Time Teen Alcohol, Drug Use Peaks in Summer
Teens are much more likely to try alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs for the first time during the summer months, according to a new survey.
Los Angeles Times (Iran) - Iran confronts its alcohol problem
After years of denying the prevalence of illegal alcohol in Iran, officials are addressing the issue, while continuing to treat drinking as a sin and a crime.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Ministers condemn 'cynical' alcohol promotion
A controversial shop promotion offering cheap alcohol for children’s allowance day has been condemned by Government ministers. Four Centra stores were ordered to withdraw the “cynical” offers after politicians and children’s groups raised concerns.
The Voice of Russia (Russia) - Russia to ban alcohol ads
Alcohol advertisements will disappear from the Russia in media. After increasing the excise duty, the Lower House of the Russian Parliament adopted a bill that imposes a complete ban on advertising alcohol in printed editions as well as on the Internet.
Psychiatric News - Treating Social Anxiety Doesn’t Decrease Alcohol Consumption
In any substance abuse treatment setting—whether inpatient or outpatient—patients frequently present with comorbid social anxiety disorder, which impedes treatment.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - We're awash with alcohol
A mere two years and a bit more after the Law Commission reported on the issue, the Government has been dragged into a bar and told to pour itself something bracing. The result has been the curate's egg called the Alcohol Law Reform Bill.
BBC News (UK) - Two thirds 'turn to drink' to relax in the evening
Almost two-thirds of people rely on alcohol to relax in the evenings, the charity Drinkaware has warned.
PsychCentral.com - Increased Risk of Alcoholism Linked to Bariatric Surgery
People who undergo the most popular weight-loss surgical procedure are at increased risk of developing problems with alcohol, according to researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health.
Autonet.ca (France) - France enacts breathalyzer law
A new law has gone into effect in France requiring every driver to carry two breathalyzer devices in their vehicle at all times. The government is hoping to reduce the number of deaths related to drunk driving by encouraging drivers to test themselves if they think they’ve had too much to drink.
China Daily (China) - Alcohol drinks sales hit a high
Thanks to rising demand and per capita disposable income, China's consumption of alcoholic drinks is expected to reach 84.37 billion liters in 2016. That represents an average annual compound growth rate of 5.9 percent from 2012, said Frost & Sullivan, a US-based market consultancy.
Malta Independent Online (Malta) - Drugs and alcohol are ‘an escape from reality’
Drug and alcohol consumption have become a not insignificant feature of the culture of seeking boundless relief, especially at weekends, but it is the culture of an escape from reality, Caritas director Mgr Victor Grech yesterday told the San Blas community graduation ceremony.
Daily Mail (UK) - To beat addiction and alcoholism, doctors must treat the causes as well as the consequences
I asked the senior partner of a large group medical practice how many of their patients were illegal drug users or people who consumed alcohol to damaging levels. The reply was, 'Well, we've certainly got three'.
FOOD Magazine – Australia (Australia) - Victoria failing on alcohol policies: Auditor-General
The number of alcohol-related assaults in Victoria have risen rose by almost since 2001, while the number of ambulance attendances to deal with incidents related to alcohol more than tripled.
The Local.de (Germany) - Young teens in party ban to fight binge-drinking
Young German teenagers could be banned from public events where alcohol is sold – even though they cannot legally buy it – after 8pm if not with a parent, according to new plans to stop teen binge drinking.
UPI.com (Germany) - Study: 7 percent wine intolerant
About 7 percent of adults suffer from an intolerance to wine, researchers in Germany found.