For immediate release: Wednesday 7 February 2007
The Drinkaware Trust (Drinkaware) today announced the charity’s ten trustees.
Debra Shipley - Chair of Drinkaware, said:
“I am very pleased that such high powered and influential people are willing to
serve on the board of Drinkaware. The overall knowledge, expertise and
commitment of the new trustees is outstanding.”
Debra Shipley added “Our task now is to work together to develop the Trust’s
forward programme”.
Debra Shipley also said:
“Drinkaware is a unique partnership between industry, health and voluntary
sectors and Government with the specific aim of positively changing public
behaviour and the national drinking culture to help reduce misuse and minimise
alcohol related harm. Having such a highly skilled board provides an opportunity
to make a real difference.”
The new appointments are:
Carolyn Bradley - Commercial Director, TESCO Stores Limited
Tim Clarke - Chief Executive, Mitchells & Butlers plc
John Dunsmore - Chairman and Managing Director, Scottish & Newcastle UK
Prof. David Foxcroft - School of Health and Social Care, Oxford Brookes
Nick Grant - Head of Legal Services, Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd
Stephen Hogg - Senior Communications Officer, Centrepoint
Srabani Sen - Chief Executive, Alcohol Concern
Dr Nick Sheron - Head of Clinical Hepatology, Southampton General Hospital
Benet Slay - Managing Director, DIAGEO Great Britain
Dr Michael Wilks - Chairman, Representative Body, British Medical Association
[Notes for Editors
1. The Drinkaware Trust is an independent, UK wide, public facing body with
the objective of positively changing public behaviour and the national
drinking culture to help reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcoholrelated
harm. Launching in early 2007, it has a projected budget of £12m
over its first three years. The Trust is a charity, registered number
2. The appointment of Trustees follows an open competition as set out in the
memorandum of understanding signed by Ministers and industry last
Summer (see (http://www.drinkawaretrust.org.uk)). Tenure for each
position is staggered to 2, 3 or 4 years (to be decided) and the positions
are unpaid. The Appointments panel decided not to appoint the two lay
trustees (that is no professional interest in alcohol) until a later date.
Drinkaware’s Independent and unpaid Chair - Debra Shipley was
appointed from 1st January 2007.
3. Details of the 10 Trustees:
Carolyn Bradley - Commercial Director, TESCO Stores Limited.
Carolyn is responsible for added value foods at TESCO including
Beers, Wines and Spirits and Chilled and Bakery divisions.
Tim Clarke - Chief Executive, Mitchells & Butlers plc
Tim has been in the pub industry for 17 years. Mitchells and Butlers
is the largest managed pub and pub restaurant operator in the UK
with over 2000 outlets and employing some 44,000 staff.
John Dunsmore - has extensive experience in the drinks industry
and has been Chairman and Managing Director of Scottish &
Newcastle UK since 2003. During this time, John has developed
S&N's responsible drinking strategy and has overseen the
introduction of a number of initiatives to improve consumer
awareness. John is currently Chairman of the British Beer and Pub
Association and a member of The Portman Group Council.
Prof. David Foxcroft - Oxford Brookes University. A Registered
Nurse, Chartered Psychologist and prevention scientist with
expertise in the prevention of alcohol misuse, David has advised
the British Government and the World Health Organisation on
alcohol misuse prevention for young people.
Nick Grant - Head of Legal Services, Sainsbury’s Supermarkets
Ltd. Nick has led Sainsbury’s implementation of the Licensing Act
including its THINK 21 scheme. He also chairs the cross industry
Retail of Alcohol Standards Group.
Srabani Sen - Chief Executive, Alcohol Concern
Srabani is CEO of the national agency on alcohol misuse and has
supported the development of Drinkaware as a member of the initial
stakeholder steering group.
Dr Nick Sheron - Head of Clinical Hepatology, Southampton
General Hospital. Nick has been consultant physician in liver
disease since 1993. He also runs an active clinically based
research programme at the University of Southampton, in the area
of alcohol –related problems
Benet Slay is the Managing Director of Diageo Great Britain.
Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business. Benet has
an extensive commercial background in consumer goods both in
GB and abroad.
Dr Michael Wilks – Michael is Chairman of the Representative
Body, British Medical Association. He works as a forensic
physician with the Metropolitan Police, and is Chairman of the
Trustees of RAPT (the Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners Trust).
4. Further information call : Kate Winstanley on 020 7307 7453 (office hours)
or 07793 268 472 (out of hours)