Drinkaware Trust Launches New Corporate Website |
Wednesday, 03 January 2007 | |
The Drinkaware Trust today launches its new website, www.drinkawaretrust.org.uk. The website sets out The Drinkaware Trust’s purpose, governance structure and funding arrangements as well as its current activities. It complements the successful consumer facing site: www.drinkaware.co.uk, providing stakeholders with corporate information and links to partner organisations. The site also summarises the background to establishing Drinkaware as a new independent charity, including the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government and The Portman Group. It explains how it will deliver on objectives set out in the National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy and the 'Choosing Health' white paper. All of Drinkaware’s existing activities including campaigns, resources and grant giving strategy will be reviewed once the new Board of Trustees is in over the coming months. As it develops in the future, the site is intended to provide a key tool for communicating with stakeholders, including funders, government, local delivery partners, educators and campaigners. Chief Executive Kevin Byrne commented, "Establishing the corporate website is the next step in establishing Drinkaware as a fully independent charity. It is an essential and necessary platform which will help us to communicate as widely and effectively as possible with all stakeholders during this important time in our development." ENDS |