Washington Association of Alcoholism & Addiction Providers (AAP)
Washington State Association of Independent Outpatient Providers (WSAIOP)
and Washington State Adolescent Chemical Dependency Treatment Providers Association (WSACDTPA)
The First Annual Providers Conference Celebrating Treatment and Recovery
April 12-14, 2007
Lynnwood Convention Center
3711 196th Street Southwest
Lynnwood, Washington
Attendee Profile
This is the First Annual Addiction Providers Conference in Washington State
sponsored by Treatment – for Treatment!
The focus is:
To provide training to those who work in the addiction profession;
To celebrate the recovery process; and
To recognize the pioneers in our field.
A statewide conference demonstrates not only the rich diversity of the field, but
also the unity that must exist to reach political goals. It offers a much-needed
opportunity to do cross training as well as to introduce non-members to the
benefits of joining an association. This conference will display many of the
reasons Washington remains one of the few states with a rich history of
addressing addiction separately and effectively.
Educational Objectives
Following this conference, participants will be able to:
Understand the importance of the long struggle in Washington to treat
alcohol and other drug addiction as a separate and distinct entity.
Identify the wealth of human and institutional resources that infuse
treatment in Washington.
Acknowledge both the diversity of treatment programs and the
singularity of treatment philosophy that guides those programs.
13 CEU’s will be awarded for this conference.
For more information, please contact Monica Jensen at (425) 823-3116 or
(Conference Brochure PDF)
Source: Sherry Kimbrough E-mail:txdirector@lanstat.com