ICAA Jubilee Conference
Stockholm 2007 10-15 June 2007

The conference will be an ideal platform to critically review the progress made in different fields of addiction practice and research over the past century and to share expectations, recommendations and projections for coming decades . Don't miss this great opportunity for dialogue and exchange with practitioners, scientists, policy makers and politicians from a broad variety of professional backgrounds from around the world.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning will each see two consecutive plenary sessions , where researchers and practitioners will review the state of the art of different subjects, discuss their implementation and give an outlook on possible future directions. The early afternoon will offer a range of selected “contributed papers” that discuss specific issues related to the themes of the plenaries or present practical examples. During the rest of the afternoon several parallel session of the ICAA Sections will host other contributed papers.
Friday is devoted to study visits at prevention, research and treatment centres.
Plenary Sessions
Download Plenary Sessions (PDF File) »
Major Sessions
The first parts of the afternoons will highlight some essential themes in Major sessions. This will give a unique possibility to learn more about these themes and to exchange knowledge with experienced presenters.
Download Major Sessions (PDF File) »
ICAA Sections
ICAA Section meetings in the second part of the afternoon will host any other reviewed contributed paper accepted for oral presentation.
ICAA Sections regroup researchers and practitioners who share particular fields of interest in the following areas:
Addiction, HIV and AIDS
Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Alcohol, Drugs and the Justice System
Alcohol Education
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol and Drug Problems in Business and Industry
Drug Prevention
Epidemiological Research on Drug and Alcohol Related Issues
Ethnic Dimensions of Addiction
Focus on Women and Gender Issues
Gambling Addiction
Information and Dissemination
Primary Health Care Providers
Social Work
Therapeutic Communities and Tobacco Dependence
If there are several papers related to other themes we may create more sections at an ad hoc base.
Social Events
All social events are included in the conference fee.
Opening Session and Reception at the Norra Latin City Conference Centre
Reception at the City Hall of Stockholm hosted by the City of Stockholm and the Stockholm County Council
ICAA Jubilee & Awards Dinner