Ljubljana (Slovenia) 6th - 9th June 20071ether: Partners for
This is a further reminder that the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities will hold its biennialconference from 6 - 9 June 2007 in the lovely and historic city of Ljubljana. If you are intending to submit
an abstract, the submission deadline is now getting very close and I cannot guarantee that the Scientific
Committee will be able to accept late submissions. Further exciting news is that the conference will include
a mini film festival with a number of interesting and informative films on TC life, practices and initiatives.
So join us in Ljubljana for one of the most exciting events in the addictions calendar:
There are four conference themes:
Therapeutic Communities - Working with the Criminal Justice System
Therapeutic Communities - Not Just Addictions
Therapeutic Communities - Families and Communities
Therapeutic Communities - Contributors to Change
All within an overall theme of exploring the role of the TC in working in partnership. The programme is
beginning to take shape and we will be adding a provisional outline programme to the website in the next few
weeks as invited speakers confirm their attendance.
You may also be interested to know that the Abstract Form can now be downloaded in both PDF (for hardcopy
completion) and Word document (for on-screen completion).
Friends in the TC movement may also wish to nominate an individual for the EFTC Award. On-line nomination
forms are also available on the conference website. The award is presented at each conference to the individual
thought by EFTC members and others to have made a significant contribution to the TC movement. Each award is
individually handcrafted by the Belgian sculptor, Kattie Verheggen. Previous recipients of the award have been
Donald Ottenburg (2001), Martien Kooyman (2003) and George De Leon (2005).
We look forward to welcoming you to Ljubljana next year.
Rowdy Yates
Vice President
European Federation of Therapeutic Communities
Rowdy Yates
Senior Research Fellow
Scottish Addiction Studies
Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology Section
Department of Applied Social Science
University of Stirling