New Materials Now Available

NOFAS has recently published new materials that will help you in your efforts to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD):
The public awareness guide is designed to help you reach community members, service systems, and the media with the FASD prevention message and to advocate for services for individuals with FASD. The Guide includes a series of fact sheets on FASD-relevant information specific to each audience, useful tips and strategies for reaching targeted audiences, sample scripts and letters to use when communicating with various audiences, examples of “real world” public awareness efforts, and other resources that will help ensure your efforts are a success. K-12 FASD Education and Prevention Curricula is a school-based curriculum for grades K-12 that provides age-appropriate information about the consequences that alcohol can have on human development. The curriculum also teaches youth to be tolerant and accepting of all individuals regardless of their individual capabilities or disabilities. These unique one-hour units offer teachers the opportunity to easily integrate information on FASD and disabilities into several different units in a standard health curriculum. Materials include the Brain Model (6th Grade through 8th Grade), Karli and the Star of the Week (K-2nd Grade), excerpts from the television series Law & Order: SVU highlighting the dangers of alcohol use during pregnancy (9th Grade through 12th Grade) with accompanying lesson plans for each. Individual curriculum components with accompanying lesson plans are also sold separately. Materials are ready for purchase. Download an order form or contact us at info@nofas.org if you wish to order any of the materials. Contributor: Peggy Seo Oba |