Understanding Patterns of Violence
Dear friends and colleagues,
As part of our efforts to explore the role of alcohol in society, ICAP is commissioning three background papers to increase understanding of an association between alcohol and violence. Two background papers will explore the factors that affect patterns of violence at both the societal and individual levels, as well as how these two levels influence one another and intersect. A third paper will explore how positive cultural shifts occur in societies over time.
To this end, we would like to invite interested parties to share their expertise on cultural shifts relevant to, or associated with, alcohol and/ or violence.
In particular, we would welcome your input on the following:
• How do cultural shifts determine the manner in which societies develop over time?
• What are some key dynamics and strategies – either positive or negative – that contribute to these cultural shifts?
• Are you aware of any cross-cultural or international examples where positive cultural shifts have occurred?
• How can microcosms of societies where some patterns of drinking and some patterns of violence intersect, reflect shifting cultural patterns? How do these microcosms influence long-term societal change in wider society? Examples of microcosms may include drinking establishments, sporting events, military, athletic teams, prisons, college campuses, rural communities, workplaces etc.
• How might these underlying strategies contributing to positive cultural shifts be replicated or adapted to prevent alcohol-related violence?