4 June 2007
In this issue
News Round-up
£2m pledged for harm reduction
• Spread of BBVs needs policy change, says Turning Point
• Support materials follow TOP
• Scots report decline in teenage drink and drug use
• Housing authorities urged to removebarriers
• Alliance thanks departing activists
• Regional events for Tackling Drugs Day
•Baroness Massey visits RAP scheme
Cover story
When the diamorphine dried up
Plymouth User Forum talk to DDN about the real impact of the diamorphine shortage on local service users who were rebuilding their lives and stability on a script.
Quest for evidence
Roger Howard, chief executive of the new UK Drug Policy Commission, tells DDN how they will use the next three years to build an evidence base for drugs policy.
Want to be a better manager?
Trevor Boutall recalls his shock at realising that the title of manager did not come with a set of skills attached – and gives tips for improving management skills.
Could buying from Afghan opium farmers address the shortage – or would it create moreproblems than it solves? Prof Neil McKeganey considers the risks.
Letters and comment
Education or prevention?, Reasons for anonymity; Language is important; drug workers’ motives; paper-free world for GPs.
Post-its from Practice
Dr Chris Ford laments the poor state of inpatient alcohol detoxification.
Background briefing
Prof David Clark continues his look at what treatment could look like if it were based on the best science possible (part 4).
Advice for Amy on confidentiality during relapse.
Jobs, courses, conferences, tenders
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