Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders - a guide for healthcare professionals (British Medical Association)
June 2007
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are a series of completely preventable mental and physical birth defects resulting from maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. FASD are lifelong conditions that can significantly impact on the life of the individual and those around them as illustrated by the case studies included within this report.
This report focuses on the adverse health impacts of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, and in particular the problem of FASD. It continues the work of the Board on alcohol and public health which has resulted in a number of publications including 'Binge drinking' (2005), 'Adolescent health' (2003), 'Alcohol and young people' (1999), 'Alcohol: guidelines on sensible drinking' (1995), and 'The BMA guide to alcohol and accidents' (1989).
The report aims to raise awareness of FASD by examining the incidence, cause and outcomes of the range of disorders associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy. It further outlines the responsibilities of healthcare professionals and the wider medical community in managing and reducing the incidence of these disorders. This report is intended for healthcare professionals and relevant bodies with strategic or operational responsibility for public health and health promotion.
Download the report (PDF)