Alcohol and Alcoholism Advance Access published online on June 18, 2007
The aim of this study was to investigate the utility of a short, practical pouring exercise as a means of illustrating the details of the UK `Sensible Drinking guidelines.
On average, drinks contained 2.05 UK units. Only 27% of respondents estimated the unit content of their drink within 10% of the true value. Of drinkers, 20.5% indicated that the results of the pouring test would influence their future pouring (70% of these were women). When informed of daily limits of consumption in terms of personal drink measure, 46% of drinkers indicated they would usually exceed this.
A practical demonstration of health guidelines presented in terms of personal drinking habits may contribute to dissemination of responsible drinking messages. Preliminary evidence suggests women may be particularly open to this approach. The utility of this intervention is underscored by recent figures highlighting the increasing preference for home drinking.
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